chapter thirteen

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hey!! this story is almost over believe it or not.

but... if you haven't already, go read Permanent!! It directly follows this story


All day, it was hard for him to focus. Mr. Delmar had to tell him multiple times to get back to work but Mr. Delmar wasn't mad. He said he'd figured Peter would be anxious.

Tomorrow he'd find out if he got into Midtown Tech.

He started walking home after work, his mind occupied with thoughts of his past. Right now, he would've just gotten home and May would be there. She'd probably be trying to cook, although they'd end up ordering food instead.

Then they'd eat dinner, talking and laughing about their days. They'd settle down and watch a movie and they'd be happy.

No matter what happened in his new life, he knew he'd always miss that.

He hoped the kids were okay too. That police followed his tip so many months ago and the kids were safe now. He wondered what they'd all be doing right now, in the orphanage or in new homes.

When he got home, he went to the kitchen only to find it nearly empty. After gaining his powers, he was pretty sure he got enhanced metabolism too, so now he was always hungry.

Sighing, he grabbed an apple and sat down. He wouldn't have enough money for food until he got paid Monday.

Then, he went out on patrol again. He still didn't have an official name yet but was becoming more known locally. Once he had his web-shooters too, he figured he'd become more known too.

He didn't really care if people knew him, it was more about being able to help people. Once more people knew him, he'd start gaining more trust so that he could help more people.

He was fine doing small things for now though. He mostly helped people getting mugged or beat up. Sometimes he'd help people with carrying groceries or catching run-away dogs. It was nice.

The next day went pretty much the same.

There were a few times Peter messed up something at work, but Mr. Delmar let it go. He really was one of the nicer people Peter had met.

Work seemed to go by the slowest it ever had. It seemed like it had been days by the time he could clock out.

Almost the entire walk home, he was checking his phone, waiting for an email from Mr. Morita, telling him if he got in or not. He had a feeling he would, but couldn't help but worry if he didn't.

If he didn't get in, what would he even do? The other schools around here were either pretty crappy or really expensive. The only other option for him would really be to go to a school far from his apartment and that'd be a pain every day.

Then once he got home, he finally got the email. He got the scholarship! He'd finally get to go back to school! Even if it had only been a couple of months, he missed it.

Mr. Morita sent him his schedule and told him to come in half an hour early on Monday.

Peter felt happier now than he had in a while, even more than when he'd gotten this apartment. Of course, he hoped he would get in, but it was never guaranteed.

He made himself check everything before going on Monday. He checked all his fake documents again to make sure they'd be okay, even his fake ID, and started studying for his classes.

It actually turned out to be an all-weekend thing. He went to the library both Saturday and Sunday, borrowed books for the classes on his schedule, and spent the day reading through them.

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