chapter fourteen

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this is the last chapter!! I would be sad, but in complete honesty, I don't know if I even like this story that much. I just felt like this book was kinda boring? Idk, but hope you enjoy! 

(btw this chapter is like half the length of a normal one)


Climbing on top of a building, he decided to go on patrol to test his new web-shooters a bit better. He ran and jumped between a few until he heard what sounded like someone being beaten up. He knew a bit too well what that sounded like.

He jumped between buildings until he got to the alley where it was happening. He climbed down the wall until he was on the ground behind the guys.

"Woah, what's goin' on here? I think it'd be in your best interest to stop, guys," Peter called out to them. Startled, they turned around to face him, leaving the guy on the ground.

"Who the hell are you?" one asked.

"What's with your outfit, dude?" questioned another.

They asked a few more questions, but they were both cut off by the third guy. "I've heard of this guy. He's gone around town helping people out or whatever, like some wannabe vigilante."

"Oh, I've heard of him. I just didn't know he looked so dumb in person," the second guy laughed.

"Hey, glad you've heard of me!" Peter laughed, putting his hands on his hips. "And anyway, what's the point of even wearing pants at that point?" He pointed to the second guy's pants, which were sagging almost to his knees.

"Stay out of this," the first guy grumbled, ignoring what he'd said.

Peter crossed his arms. "No can do, buddy. That guy," he said, pointing to the one they were beating up, "looks super cool and I'd appreciate it if you left him alone."

The third guy laughed, but there was no humor in it. "You gonna make us?"

"Well, since you asked." Deciding to test out his new web-shooters, he pointed them at the third guy who'd just spoken and shot them. The aim was a bit off, but he'd successfully webbed the guy's hand to his side.

"Hey! What is this stuff?" Without answering, he webbed the guy's feet to the ground so he couldn't move.

The other two guys started coming towards Peter, ready to fight. Peter had to laugh that the second guy was holding his pants up as he walked.

Peter jumped up, sticking to the wall, and jumped off, kicking one guy in the face and punching the other all while in the air. He flipped and landed on his feet behind them, slightly scaring himself. Maybe he should work on doing flips before he uses them in fights.

Before the guys could come towards him again, Peter shot webs at them. He webbed one guy to the wall, which happened to be the guy with sagging pants. His pants fell to the ground, where Peter webbed them.

"See, this is what I mean about your pants, man. Maybe think about a belt?"

While Peter spoke, he tried to web the last guy up but missed. He really needed to fix the calibration once he got home.

The guy swung at him, and though his sixth sense went off in the back of his mind, Peter was still a second too late. He felt the punch hit him in the face, and he stumbled to the side. Squeezing his eyes closed for a second, he refocused. That punch really did hurt though.

This time, when his sixth sense went off, he dodged in time avoiding the guy's next punch. Peter punched him in the face hard, sending him stumbling backward. Peter punched him again in the stomach and stuck his leg out behind the guy so that he tripped.

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