chapter eleven

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hey y'all

So there's like no one reading this story but to be fair I feel like it's kinda boring? I don't know but I will keep posting new chapters!! I was just thinking about posting them all at once rather than dragging this out for like another month.

Anyway, enjoy!


Peter has had those powers for three weeks now. He'd learned a bit more about them and was starting to learn how to control them.

Over the past few weeks, he'd stopped in another town for a few days to make some more money. It was a bigger town and he'd managed to make $200!

What was even better was while he was in another town, he met a guy who made him a fake ID. The town was a lot more run down and seemed pretty dangerous. He felt somewhat bad that he was so blatantly breaking the law now, but he still couldn't bring himself to turn around and go home.

He'd started getting more nightmares. There had been a few about May's death and the burning building, but most had been about the old orphanage and the Millers. He hated to think that they still had power over him, even after he'd been gone for so long.

Even worse, they had power over him even when he wasn't sleeping. He flinched around people, even though he knew they wouldn't hurt him, and was more cautious around anyone who even reminded him of Mr. Miller in the slightest. It sucked, but he did his best to ignore it.

He'd rode a few more buses, although he had to start hitchhiking again once he got to the border of Ohio.

He also finished both his computer science book and the one by Tony Stark. He donated them both to a library.

Now, he was hitchhiking once again. He'd gotten lucky a few days ago, and this guy John had picked him up. John was heading to Brooklyn. He'd offered to take Peter all the way across Pennsylvania to New York!

Although he hadn't gotten to work on his identity much while with John, he didn't mind. He was almost done anyway and just had to add a few details.

Today would be the day they'd be crossing into New York. He was almost there, after a month and a half.

John was a big fan of superheroes like the ones on TV and said he wished more people would do the right thing. He talked a lot about how people should help each other out more when they could.

He talked about his family a lot too. His wife and son and how he would do anything for them. He reminded Peter a lot of Uncle Ben.

Eventually, they'd made it into Brooklyn though, and they had to part ways. Before he left, Peter paid him a bit, despite John saying it was unnecessary. He'd taken Peter all the way across Pennsylvania and into New York though, so Peter would've felt bad if he didn't give him anything.

As he left, John told him to stay out of trouble. Peter said he would, but really, how could he? He'd now broken the law countless times just to get here.

Peter made his way to a coffee shop, got some food, and sat down. He couldn't believe he was really here. After a month and a half of living on the streets and making his way across multiple states, he actually made it here.

What was he supposed to do now though? He was so used to working on his fake documents, that now that he was pretty much done, he didn't know what to do.

Well, if he planned to stay here, he couldn't live on the streets forever. That's the whole reason he'd made his fake identity as Ben Smith. Maybe he could get an apartment.

As he looked around, he saw some really nice ones but frowned and moved on. He couldn't get a nice one. Not only was there no way he could afford it, but they'd probably do a ton of background checks and find out that Ben Smith was fake.

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