Liam Imagine (For @loversandwriting)

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Request: She has a nightmare and Liam comforts her.


You tossed and turned, unknowingly mumbling words into the cool night's air. 

"Liam... No," You let out a groan, this pulling Liam out of his sleep. 

"What Maddye?" He whispered, turning to look at you, but to his surprise your eyes were still shut tight. You gripped tighter onto the covers, eyes moving frantically behind your closed eyelids. Liam sat up, now fully awake and concerned. 

"Please," You gasped out. "Please don't go." 

He brought his hand up to go to shake you awake, but you suddenly spoke up again. 

"What are you..." He stopped his movements completely as he waited for you to continue. "No! Stop!" 

You gasped as you sat up quickly, sweat beading on your forehead. Your head snapped to look over at Liam who sat beside you, concerned eyes locked with yours. You swallowed hard, before letting out a strangled sob and falling to Liam's arms. 

"Hey, its okay," He cooed, one of his running through your hair while the other rubbed soft shapes onto your back. "Its okay. It was just a dream." 

Your tears soaked his sleep shirt, but he continued to hold you tight up against him until your sobs finally subsided into occasional hiccups. 

"Want to talk about it?" He asked, voice low as you let out a shaky sigh. 

"You..." Your voice trailed off as you tried to force yourself to think about it. "We were fighting, and uh, you got really angry and I guess you weren't thinking cause you suddenly got real close and you," You forced back tears as you pressed yourself closer to your boyfriend. "You hit me." 

Liam swore he felt his heart stop as tears began to slip down your cheeks again. "Maddye, listen to me," He placed both hands on either side of your face, forcing you to look into his sad eyes as his thumbs swiped away your tears. "I would never ever hit you, okay? Never. I love you more than anything. More than lacrosse. The thought of harming you breaks my heart." 

You nodded weakly, "I-I love you, too." 

He nodded, more to himself than anything, then brought your head up to press your lips softly against his. "Lets get back to sleep, yeah?" 

You shook your head in protest, "Can we just... kiss a little more, first?" 

He chuckled at you, but nodded nevertheless. "Absolutely." He mumbled, pressing his lips to yours again. 

* * * 

A/n: Thanks for requesting lovely, I hope you liked it! 

I would just like to say that I'm going camping on Wednesday and then its my birthday sooo that means I cant update for a little while, and the requests I'm doing are going to have to be put on hold until at least Sunday. I'm so sorry! x

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