Outlaws - Derek Imagine

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A/n: This is gonna be a lyrical imagine based on Outlaws by David Lambert! And I guess this is based in teenage!derek time and woah this one is long

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- I took you at your word, when you said you would steal my heart. Yeah this might sound absurd, but would you be my thief take all of me, every part.  

You didn't fall easily. It took time, consideration and a whole lot of trust. But then you met him. Derek. That cute guy in eleventh grade who was on the basket ball team and would constantly eye you up and down in the halls when you passed.

It was common for you to be seen sitting under a tree by the basket ball courts after school, watching on as the teams chased after that single orange ball. Derek had grown accustomed to you being there, and took advantage of it too.

One afternoon, after his team celebrated their winning victory, he had managed to catch you before you left.

"You should go on a date with me." He hadn't even bothered introducing himself. Not that he had to, that is. Everyone knew who Derek Hale was.

You let out a forced laugh, readjusting your bag strap before letting your attention wander to his eyes, "No, thank you."

His eyes narrowed on yours, his head tilting ever so slightly to the left, "No?"

"No." You repeated, then turned, beginning to walk off but his voice cut your movements short.

"You may be turning me down now, but I can assure you that I'm going to steal your heart, however long it takes me."

You didn't answer. Instead, you began to walk away, already knowing that you can already see yourself falling for this boy. Letting him be a thief, and stealing every part of you.

- I think we might be outlaws, I think I might be in love. 'Cause I'm all out of reasons, like seasons, Winter, Summer, Fall.

The day wasn't truly complete until Derek would approach you with a new pick up line, a new kind of flower to add to your ever-growing collection, or just a simple 'Go on a date with me.' Honestly, maybe a simple please might get him somewhere. Maybe.

Today was a new week. A Monday morning. You were walking through the halls, then the all too familiar chime of Derek's voice rung through your ears.


You stopped with a sigh, turning around to see a smiling Derek approaching you. "What do you have for me today, Derek?"

"I'm completely and utterly fascinated with you. From the colours that make up your eyes, the way you seem so strangely interested in out basket ball games, or the way you unknowingly plait your hair when you are really focused on something. All your efforts to push me away from you are just making me want you even more, and I'm sure you don't want that. (Y/n), I am in love with you. Just... Please, give me one chance? That's all I'm asking for. Just one chance. Then, if you still don't like me I'll leave you alone."

"You said you'd steal my heart," You let out a sigh of defeat. "And Derek Hale I think we might be outlaws, because it seems that because as much as I try to deny you, you still manage to occupy each and every last thought in my mind. I've unintentionally become obsessed with you and your being. You stole my heart, and it seems that I've stolen yours. I'm giving you once chance. And one chance only."

- If you're still way over there, maybe slide on in by my side. 'Cause I'm just an outlaw, wanted if you want me. I'll love you everyday and every night.  

You wished it took you more than one date to crack. But it only took you one date. One simple, merely meaningless date with Derek and you were hooked. 

After one too many jokes, one terrible pick up line, and a bunch of flowers later Derek and yourself had gone on a date, he had asked you to be his girlfriend, and you didn't even hesitate to say yes.

People stared with wide eyes as the two of you walked into school Monday morning. Hand in hand, you walked the halls with none other than Derek Hale. Basketball team captain, and someone every girl wanted.

But you got him. You got to hold his hand. You got to kiss him. You got to call him yours. And that was all too unbelievable, quite frankly.

- Lock me up for good, right here in your arms. You vandalize my neighborhood, with your piercing eyes and devilish charm. Love love love is my crime. So baby, come catch me and lets do the time.

The red lines on Derek's clock told you it was well past two in the morning, but although your eyes wanted ever so desperately to close and for you to fall into a much needed sleep, you didn't want to give up the perfect moment you were lost in.

Derek was lying on his bed, sitting up slightly with his back pressed against the headboard of his bed. You were laid on your front, body pressed flush against his side with your head pressed into the crook of his neck.

"Remember that time you refused to go on a date with me?" Derek mumbled, letting out a breathy laugh that rumbled in his stomach and made your body vibrate slightly.

"I think I was just playing hard to get." You admitted, cheeks turning a bright shade of crimson.

"I'm glad I got you." He says, his arms that were twisted around you giving you a light squeeze.

"I'm glad I got you." You replied with a sigh. And just like that, you finally let your eyes slip shut, his steady heartbeat willing you into a dreamy sleep.

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