Goodbye / Hello - Scott Imagine

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A/n: Here's an angsty little fic with a side of fluff to kick off your weekend! Enjoy friends :-)

Chapter song: Find My Way - Eric Arjes.

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You knew this day was coming. Scott had told you a while ago that there was a new Alpha pack in town causing trouble and that eventually he'd gave to go out and try and drive them away but you didn't think the day would come so quickly.

The morning of, you heard a knock at your front door. Upon answering, Scott stood there and although he was smiling you knew why he had come over.

He took you up to your room, sat down on your bed with you and turned to face you with a sigh. Before he could speak, though, you were.

"Is today the day?" It came out in a whisper, for even you were scared of the words tumbling from your lips. He nodded gently, and you had to tear your eyes away from his because you were scared that if you kept looking, you may cry.

"I came to say goodbye." He mumbled.

"No," You spoke. "No goodbyes."

"But I don't know if I'll make it back-"

"No!" You cried, standing up from your bed. "You're not allowed to do that; come here and tell me that you're going away and not coming back. You're not allowed..."

"Are you really mad at me right now?" He asked. "Do you know how hard this is on me, (Y/n)? Do you know how hard it's going to be for me to leave you?"

Your eyes flooded with tears, gaze fixated on the ground. Heavy tears slipped down your cheeks, falling off the end of your chin and colliding with the ground. Your hands were shaking. You don't know why, but they were. In fact, it felt as though your whole body was shaking. You were scared. This was the end.

"I'm sorry," He mumbled, making you look up at him. "I'm doing this for you. For Beacon Hills. I have to keep everyone safe. I can't let this pack come here and destroy everything."

"Your urge to keep everyone safe is frustrating." You sighed, taking a seat beside him again.

Scott laughed gently, nodding, "I figured you'd gotten used to it by now."

"I have," You replied. "Doesn't mean it still isn't terrifying."

He took your hands in his, holding them tightly, "I know this is scary, but I need to do this. I wouldn't be doing it if it wasn't absolutely necessary."

With the tears still slipping past your eyes, you nodded sadly. He brought you into a tight hug, holding you close to his chest. You breathed in his scent, memorizing it just in case...

You gripped tightly onto his shirt, not noticing that he'd stood the two of you up from the bed until he was breaking the hug. He looked down at you, giving you a sad smile and pressing a chase kiss to your lips.

"Scott," You rushed out desperately. He shook his head, silencing you. Slowly, he began to shuffle towards your bedroom door just as it was opening. Stiles entered, and you frowned. What was he doing here?

It didn't take long for you to answer your own question. As Scott began to exit your room, you made a dash for him, shouting for him. Before you could reach him however, Stiles' arms were circling around your waist, holding you back.

"Scott!" You cried.

Your boyfriend paused briefly, turning to make eye contact with you one last time, "Goodbye, (Y/n). I promise you I'll find my way back to you. Stiles, take care of her."

And then he was gone, leaving you to fight against Stiles' hold while you screamed and cried until you were too exhausted to stand anymore. You collapsed to the ground, Stiles following. He sat with you, held you while mumbling hushed words of reassurance.

You couldn't bring yourself to believe any of them, though. They all sounded like whispers of death.


A week.

It was a week of sleepless nights and constant nightmares of Scott being attacked by an alpha pack burning in your brain every time you closed your eyes.

Stiles tried his best to comfort you, and you greatly appreciated it, but it simply wasn't enough to fill the void in your heart. Nothing but Scott could fill that.

One night, however, things changed.

You were getting ready for bed, preparing yourself for yet another sleepless night. Just as you were about to get into bed, someone knocked at your bedroom door.

"Yeah?" You called, expecting it to be one of your parents.

The door opened slowly, inch by inch revealing Stiles holding up a tattered and bruised Scott. Something caught between a sob and a sigh of relief left your lips, your feet carrying you across your room and over to your boyfriend.

Gently, as not to hurt him further, you wrapped yourself around him. He let out a gentle laugh, wrapping his arms around your neck and burying his face in your neck.

"You're alive." You mumbled in disbelief.

"Told you I'd find my way back to you." He answered, pulling away from your embrace sightly to press a kiss to your forehead.

Scott may have been a little beaten and bruised but that didn't cease to matter because given time he would heal. None of it mattered because he was alive.

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