Ice Skating - Liam Imagine

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Winter never failed to make you happy. It may have been cold, but you got to wear cute sweaters and beanies and go ice skating and drink hot chocolates and all the kinds of things that made you feel all warm inside. Plus, it meant it was almost Christmas time, and you loved Christmas. 

It was a Friday afternoon when Liam, your best friend, had approached you, announcing quite profoundly, “The ice skating rink opens today!” 

From past experiences, you knew how rubbish he was at ice skating but there was no way you were able to turn him down when he looked at you with those bright eyes. With a sigh you agreed to go with him.

With a quick hug‒or maybe an awkward squeeze of your shoulders‒he rushed off so he could get home and get ready. You couldn’t help but laugh at the excited boy, making your own way out of the school so you too could get home and get ready for tonight.


At 6 o’clock on the dot Liam was on your door step, almost bouncing with anticipation as he waited for you to lace up your shoes.

“Come on!” He whined, pulling you to your feet the very second you were done. You let out a shriek, trying your very best not to fall flat on your face as Liam dragged you out the front door and over to his car (A/n: Idk if he can drive or not but lets just pretend he can yeah?) where he‒pretty much‒threw you into the passenger side before rushing to the driver’s side and driving off in the direction of the skating rink.

The drive was mostly filled with Liam rambling on about how excited he was to be doing this with you, even though you had done it countless times with him before. You couldn’t help but smile in adoration as his eyes lit up like Christmas lights when the rink came into view.

He parked his car, and the two of you hopped out and began to make your way over to the entry. You struggled to keep up with him, giggling when he almost tripped on a stick. Entering the rink you hired your skates, lacing them up before finally making your way onto the ice.

Taking a hold of Liam's hand you helped him on, continuing to hold onto him as you eased him along the cold surface.

“I‒I got this.” He mumbles, releasing his grasp on your hand with pure determination on his facial features.

“You sure?” You asked, and he nodded.

You watched on as he shuffled along the ice, stumbling a few times before his feet when slipping out from underneath him. He fell to the ground with an ‘oof’ as you tried to subside your giggles. He pouted up to your as you skated over, helping him back to his feet.

“Like this,” You demonstrate to him how he should move his feet and with a huff of air he nods again before warily letting go of your hand again and giving it another shot.

“(Y/n),” He called. “Look! I’m doing it!”

You smiled brightly at him, proud of the clumsy boy.

You slowed down a little, letting him catch up to you but the moment you turned around to see where he was your eyes widened as he came crashing right into you. The two of you went tumbling down, you ending up falling onto his chest.

You tried to pull yourself off of him, but he was quick to place his hands on your hips, holding you on top of him for long enough to speak up.

“Let me do one thing,” He says quickly, before letting his warm lips secure themselves around your much colder ones.

You were shocked, but kissed him back nevertheless.

You had wanted him to do that for so long, and now that it happened you didn’t want it to stop but realization soon settled in and it occurred to you that you should probably get up off the ice before the two of your froze.

You pulled away from his lips‒much to your disagreement‒and hauled yourself and Liam up from the ground. You lead him off the ice and back to the chairs where your shoes were placed. He wasted no time letting his lips find yours again, and you relishing in the feeling of warmth you were getting from the simple gesture.

“I‒I love you.” He mumbles against your lips, his forehead resting on yours.

“I love you, too.” You smile, pressing your lips to his again. 



I'm also on school holidays too which means I shall hopefully be trying to write more but just warning you now they'll probably end up all being Christmas themed so I'm apologizing in advance. 

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