Chapter 3

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Leonardo's POV (The Father)

I was in a meeting when I got the call from the police informing me about the twins. 

For the first time in years, I cried.

Sitting next to me, my eldest son looked at me in concern. I told him about the twins; he also had tears in his eyes. 

We both rushed out of the conference room to inform the family. 

Once we had reached home, my wife was present and asked us why we had come early. "Our youngest children are coming home!" I told her. She looked at me in shock. I explained what happened, and she broke down crying. 

Hearing her crying, our other sons came running. They looked at me in question, and I told them about the call. Each one had surprise on their faces. Renato immediately asked, "What are you waiting for? Let's go!" I told him that they live in London and only three of us would go as we wouldn't want to overwhelm them.

After a lot of fighting and shouting, Eleanora decided that Me, Lorenzo and Dante would go. She wasn't able to come as she had an important meeting.

(Time skip to after they land in London)

We were about to enter the school, and I couldn't contain my excitement. I was about to meet my youngest children after thirteen years!!

We entered Queen Private school, and I was relieved that they at least lived in comfort.

(Oh, how wrong he will realise he is...)

We saw many expensive cars parked out front, but one Bugatti just stood out from the rest.

 We walked to the principal's office and told the secretary that we were here to pick up Alessia and Alessio. She looked surprised and replied, "You aren't her Foster Father" I was getting annoyed at this point, and Dante realised that and told her, "Their foster father had died, and we are her biological family."

She looked saddened and told us to go in. "Looks like she's close with the twins", Enzo muttered. I nodded.

In the principal's office, we were met with a man who looked like he was in his late 20's. He stood up and welcomed us. "You must be Leonardo Esposito?" he voiced.

I nodded and asked him where the twins were. "They have been called, but it usually takes Alessio some time to wake Alessia up", He replied.

"So how are they in school?" a curious Dante asked.

"They're brilliant and are qualified to graduate, but they choose to stay in high school. Alessia is the devilish one who pranks many teachers and gets into a ton of fights, But she always hurts people who are either bullying people or have done something equally wrong. She is also the sporty one of the pair. In comparison, Alessio is the quiet one, a genius at anything related to technology. He holds Alessia back from doing too much wreck to this school. He has his fair share of fights, but that's nothing compared to Alessia. It would take a lot for them to open up to you, but they're the sweetest people on earth once they do." He described.

He must be very close to the twins. Enzo spoke my thoughts out loud.

The principal chuckled and replied, "Of course, the twins are one of my frequent visitors."

As he finished the sentence, the door burst open, with Alessia coming in with Alessio at her side. They walked with so much power, but the peculiar thing was, The principal got up from his seat, and Alessia sat there with Alessio standing beside her. "What's wrong, Oliver? Alessia claims to have not punched anybody today," spoke Alessio. He said with no emotion in his voice. That honestly scared me.

 As they conversed, I took my time examining them. Alessio looked so much like my father, who was and still, is a powerful and handsome man, while the only thing different was that he inherited my eyes which I got from my mother. I could see the wisps of tattoos peaking underneath his full sleeve shirt. He held himself with so much power I was surprised that he was just 17 years old. Alessia grew up to be a beautiful woman who looked like her mother with the same eyes are Lorenzo. The way she moved was so graceful and held so much power that I might have been scared to death if I was not in the mafia. She also had visible tattoos. 

I'm not sexist, and all my sons have tattoos, but at that time, I just wished that I was with them to see their milestones. The fact that my youngest children, who were kidnapped, are sitting right in front of me hit me at full force. 

I was forced out of my thoughts when Alessia fainted. I ran to catch her, but Alessio seemed to have everything in control. He ordered the principal to do something, but I didn't notice it as I was more focused on my unconscious daughter.

Alessio carried her and ran to the front with us following. He ordered us to follow him and got into the same Bugatti I was gawking at when I first arrived. I didn't have enough time to think over that as I was ushered inside our car.

As we followed their car, I noticed we were being led into a forest-like area. I was confused, but we kept following the. After about ten minutes in the forest, we could finally see a breathtaking castle-like house. It was about twice the size of our mansion. I was in awe while my sons were gawking at the marvelous house.

As we were led into the house, I could notice tons of bodyguards surrounding the house. They were so well hidden that I wouldn't have been able to spot them if I hadn't had years of mafia training.

That's suspicious; that's weird.

Alessio rushed in with Alessia in his arms, but a butler stopped us from following them and escorted us to a regal looking office that had a built-in library too.

After a few minutes, Alessio walked in.

He sat down on the chair facing us and started, "So, I know you guys would have a ton of questions..."

That would be the understatement of the year

(This is Alessio's office room where he does most of his work, Alessa's office will be introduced in the next chapter)

(This is Alessio's office room where he does most of his work, Alessa's office will be introduced in the next chapter)

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(Kinda like both of these combined is what I imagine for Alessio's office)

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(Kinda like both of these combined is what I imagine for Alessio's office)

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