🍰 𝐓𝐨 𝐒𝐨𝐫𝐚-𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧.

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"You stare like a creep, Tsukishima."

"Shut up, pipsqueak."

"What did you just call me?!"

Hinata glared at Tsukishima whose eyes are glued to his daughter playing at the backyard garden of Kenma's house with Tetsuya, Kuroo's son.

Ever since the incident at the festival where Sora got lost for trying to find her favorite plushie, Kei makes sure to never let Sora out of his sight. As much as possible, he wants to take Sora to and from school to make sure of her safety.

"Why are you here anyway?"

He asked without breaking a glance at his former teammate who is eating some cake that he bought.

"Kenma's my sponsor. Why are you here?"

"Wifeys are baby shopping for Tomoyo... or is Hana a better name? Hana means flower. Hmmm..."

Kuroo entered the room with some snacks for the kids on a tray, humming as he thought about a name that will suit their little girl best.

His wife is already on her second trimester of pregnancy so he treat his wife to a relaxing shopping spree with Y/N and Kiyoko, also since his wife wanted to get some advice on having a baby girl.

"Kenma, what do you think?"


Kenma plainly responded with his attention glued on his phone while checking on updates on his videos and stocks.

"Ooh~ That's a great naㅡ wait. Do you just want to name my daughter after a name from a video game?!"

"But Uncle Kenma owns the video game. Uncle Kenma, can we play that game to??"

Only Tsukishima noticed that the kids already got in after seeing the snacks that Kuroo brought in, serving them the snacks on the table while Sora went straight to his lap wanting her papa to feed her with the cake.


"I want to play too, Kenma!"

Kenma can't say no to his nephew, especially Hinata. So he let him play with his gaming consoles in the room.

He also took a glance at Sora who he just met a couple of times, on her first and third birthday party.

The little girl is happily eating the cake that she is being fed with by her father while sitting on his lap. She doesn't really care about video games because there's cake in front of her. But her Uncle Kenma slowly reached out to her, handing her one of the gaming consoles with a light blush on his cheeks.

"Do... do you want to play too?"

Sora blinked at him then at the console, then up to Tsukishima who gave her a nod of approval before going back to the uncle in front of her.

"Tetya is mean when playing games."

She pouted that made the little boy turn to her.

"I'm not mean. You just suck at playing games."

Tetsuya stick his tongue out before going back to focusing on the game. Kuroo called out on his son with a sigh.

"I don't even know where he got that attitude."

He propped his elbow on the table to rest his chin with another sigh. Tsukishima and Kenma can't help but just stare at their senior who is oblivious who his son got his attitude from.

"What do you want to play then, Sora?"

Tsukishima looked down at his daughter who didn't meet his eyes, whispering how she missed her dinosaur plushie.

"I miss Didi..."


Kenma tilted his head, staring curiously at the little girl who is reaching for his slice of cake. He slides the plate towards the little girl who thanked him.

"It's her dinosaur stuffed toy. It got lost last week while we are in a festival."

As Tsukishima explained to him what happened to her beloved plushie, Kenma hummed in response staring at the little girl who smiled at him, then at his phone in his hand.


"Delivery for Tsukishima Sora!"

Sora ran up to the front door upon hearing her name while dragging her father along with her.

They were greeted by a delivery man who smiled at her and handed Kei the receiving papers for him to sign. That's when he noticed who the huge boxes of package came from.

Instead of signing the paper, Sora asked if she can sign on it instead so she wrote her first name on the paper.

There are at least 3 huge boxes that they opened in the living room that mostly contains plushies of different kinds of animals and dollw. One of the boxes made the little girl squeal in excitement upon seeing the huge dinosaur stuffed toy that is bigger than her.

"Didiiiii!!!! Kyaaaaaaah~!!!"

Sora jumped on her new plushie while her father is reading the note attached to the box.

To Sora-chan,

To make sure that Didi will not get lost again.

From Uncle Kenma.


[ ⎷ ] 𝐊𝐄𝐈'𝐒 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐂𝐀𝐊𝐄  ¦  𝘒𝘦𝘪 '𝘴 𝘎𝘍 𝘚𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘭Where stories live. Discover now