Red Hooks

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I can't remember the last time I danced this much. Or had this much fun for the matter. And I loved it. We've been practicing a routine for the upcoming battle. Moose and I have grown closer. Now that we know we have class together, we sit beside each other. We have each other's back when it comes to balancing dance and school. Him and I worked on the choreo Luke taught us. We would show off our tricks with other people in the crew. A bunch of us went to the room full of cushions and played around in the there. It was surprisingly bouncy. It also had a foam pit to do trick into.

We were practicing on the dance floor with the rest of the crew. It was freestyle time and everyone was taking turns to go dance in the middle. Moose and I did this cool thing where I put one foot on his knee and he holds the other in his hand and and I flip into the air and land on my knees and he jumps over me. I heard him land I lift my head up while I was still kneeling.

"That was so sick!" Moose laughs. I smile and he helps me up off the ground.

"Yeah it was" I felt the overload of excitement. His energy was contagious, in the best way.

It was getting pretty late. I looked out the window and I saw the sky getting darker by the minute. I turned back to Moose and ran my hand through my hair.

"We should probably head back to campus" I say. He nods in realization.

"Yeah probably. Alright guys, Lune and I are heading in" He says. Everyone bids us goodbye and we grab our stuff. We walked our way back to campus and I felt something cold on my cheek. I stop and Moose does as well. I look up into the sky and feel the cold wet substance again.

"You feel that?" I ask.

"Rain" He says as the sky thunders. Seconds later it was pouring. Moose and I ran the rest of the way to NYU, getting soaking wet in the mean time. We looked like we took a shower in our clothes. I was shivering, the clothes I were wearing weren't the warmest.

"You look like a wet rat" I laugh once we rush our way into the school. His mouth falls open in offence but the smirk was evident.

"You think I look bad?, look at you!" He laughs. I laugh clutching my stomach. His hair was sticking to his face and his clothes were suctioned to his body, as I'm sure mine were too. I wrapped my arms around my body to try and keep warm.

"Here" He says opening his bag and handing me a blue sweater that he was wearing during practice. I feel heat rush to my cheeks and take it.

"Thanks" I say quietly. He smiles and we begin walking towards the dorms. He's in dorm hall C and I'm in B, so we're not that far apart.

"Y''s nice being part of this crew. It's nice having a family" I say. I feel his eyes on me.

"I know how you feel. Being in a room with a bunch of people who all love to do the same thing. It's...nice" He says. I meet his gaze. His eyes made me nervous, but comfortable at the same time. They were a deep brown but they had this shine in them whenever he talked. So full of life. They just held no secrets and have such a kind soul. He was so pure. His personality is so likeable and his dancing...oh his dancing is something else. You can tell by the way he dances, he's passionate about it. The smile on his face while he's doing it just makes you feel like smiling. We walked in comfortable silence until we reached our dorms.

"You ready for the battle tomorrow?" He wiggling his eyebrows.

"Ready as I'll ever be" I say. We smile at each other.

"Goodnight Lune" He says.

"Goodnight Mooskie" I smirk. He chuckles at the nickname before we both make our ways down our halls.

The day of the battle. I was slightly nervous but as always the Adrenaline from dancing all the time makes it's way back into my body as we make our way to the dance floor. The crowd was large and hyped for the battle. We get into position and the music starts.

(For some reason the video won't upload, but you can watch it on YouTube if you want. It's the red hook battle)

The battle ended and everyone was chanting our crews name. The Red Hooks were trying to act tough and shaking their heads. I prance over to Moose and he suddenly pulled me into a hug. I was surprised at first but soon hugged him back. We pulled away shortly after and smiled.

"First win baby" He whoops and we high five. The rest of the group make our way to us jumping up and down cheering. They were all shaking our bodies and celebrating along with the rest of the crowd. But even with all the chaos around me Moose and I never lost eye contact. I couldn't shake the feeling I had around him. I've never felt it before.


The perk of my roommate literally never being in the dorm room, is that I can do whatever I wanted. Which would be nice right? But no....I am studying for engineering. Moose and I have an exam tomorrow at 8:00pm and I need to be ready. He told me he's been studying so I haven't pushed him any further. After about 30 minutes I decided I needed a break. I lay back in my chair and stare at the ceiling. I wonder if Moose is doing anything? No, no I shouldn't bother him.....But I'm bored and I need a break. After contemplating, I finally gave in and grabbed my hoodie. I walked to the door and opened it. I almost walked right into the person standing at my door.

"Moose?" He was standing at my door with his hand raised about to knock. He quickly lowers his hand and walks in without a word. He looked kind of worked up.

"We have a problem" He says hopping onto my bed. I perk my lips up at his shoes on my bed. Nice.

"And what that?" I ask.

"Our engendering exam is at 8:00pm, but that's exactly when the second round of the world jam is...I have no idea what to do. I spoke to Luke and he says we have to be there" He says bouncing slightly. I sigh and run my hand through my hair. This is a problem.

"Uhh, okay, any way we can take the exam earlier?" I ask. He shakes his head.

"Everyone must take it at the same time"

"Well I guess we're just going to have to write it as fast as we can and then get to the dance as fast as we can" I say, coming up with no good ideas. Moose sighs and jumps off my bed.

"Luke will be so mad if we don't make it. We can't let the crew down" He says.

"We'll make it" I say and we do our small handshake that we came up with a couple days ago. That famous smile returns to his features and I feel fine now.

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