Chapter II

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Chapter Two

"You look tired," a boy, who I knew to be named Elias due to the fact that Amber kept trying to get his attention in the hallway, spoke as he entered the room.

"Good morning to you too Elias," Marlowe spoke, throwing her books down on her desk at the front of the classroom.

"I was speaking to Albert, not you," he spoke, glancing at the girl who just shrugged.

"You do look sleepy though, having trouble adjusting?" she asked, walking over to my desk. Which was way more popular than I would like.

"I guess you could say that."

Damian walked in the classroom, putting his bag down on the desk in front of me. "Well, good news, my brother was home this morning."

"How is this good news to any of us?" Elias asked him.

He chuckled, sitting down backwards in his chair again. "Because I was able to ask him about that off-road you were curious about Albert."

"Oh the old highway stuff again, do you know anything else?" Marlowe asked him with a sigh.

He just rolled his eyes. "Better than working in the salon just to hear the old ladies gossip, but that's besides the point, so apparently my brother said he and his friends had a dare to walk the whole off-road when they were in our grade."

"So where does it lead?" I asked him. I had a feeling it had to be another ghost story with how excited he seemed.

"Well, that would be a house, a fancy gated manor," he told me, "But that's not the interesting part, apparently the whole time they had this horrible dreadful feeling, as such they decided to leave and not break into said house, but afterwards one of my brother's friend said he had a horrible dream of a really pretty lady who seemed like she was in pain."

"A pretty lady?" Elias asked, "What, like the old stories about the guy who killed pretty ladies who rejected him?"

"Why is every version of this story different?" I asked, leaning back in my chair, "So which is it? What actually happened with this serial murder case?"

"Easy, it didn't happen," Marlowe sighed, shrugging her shoulders. "It's nothing but an old urban rumor in a small town that spread fast and differently, per usual for rumors."

"Oh were you alive when it happened? I thought you had a few too many wrinkles to be your age," Damian spoke with a chuckle. The girl punched him in the arm. She didn't like his joke clearly.

"Okay okay, but I'm serious Marlowe, Daniel said his friend was really freaked out and refused to even get near the old road anymore, I highly doubt he stopped drinking just to try and scare his friends."

The girl sighed. "So he had a bad dream, that doesn't prove anything, it's not like you or Albert had a bad dream."

"But we didn't walk the off-road, want to try?" Damian asked her.

"Yeah I will, I'm not scared of a fairy tale," she told him, resting her hands on her hips, "All five of us will go, tonight."

"Wait, we're doing what now? When did I get included in this?" Elias asked quickly.

"Just now, Amber's coming too," Marlowe spoke, marching to her desk, "Even if she says 'but it really happened!' I mean even if someone did kill people out there, he'd be dead by now."

"But we're not scared of the murderer, it's his victims coming back for revenge, riiight?" Damian asked with a laugh. The girl glaring at him. Elias just looked like he was uncomfortable with this plan.

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