Chapter III

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Chapter Three

"Dude, you won't believe what happened!" Damian practically screeched, earning us several weird looks from others in the hallway.

I held back the urge to groan at his excitement so early in the morning. "What?" I asked, making my way through the, mostly empty at the moment, hallways to my locker.

"Amber, come on!" he told me, grabbing my wrist to drag me down the hallway towards our home room.

"You're overreacting, especially considering this is your fault! You're the one who put the idea in her head of a bad dream of a pretty lady after walking the off-road," Marlowe spoke in an annoyed voice, pointing her finger at Damian.

"What happened?"

"A case of an overactive imagination, I imagine." Marlowe explained with a shake of her head. I had a bad feeling about this myself though, or at least, I knew it couldn't be good.

Elias and Amber were in the classroom, staring at a notebook on her desk. "Amber, tell the man what happened," Damian spoke rather loudly yet again.

She glanced at us, wearing an excited smile. Consider my concern replaced with worry, this was going to be annoying wasn't it?

"I had a dream, just like Damian's brother's friend, and this girl was in it!" she exclaimed, holding up the notebook. For a second I had a sense of worry at seeing the image, I didn't want it to be the same thing I had seen. But, that moment of worry wasn't necessary, since as it turns out, Amber couldn't draw.

Marlowe withheld a laugh, Damian just looked disappointed. "So, we don't know what you saw." he sighed, his head drooping dejectedly.

"It was a girl with dark hair," she mumbled, quickly returning the notebook to her desk.

"So, like you?" Elias asked her.

"No, her skin was white, pretty pale too, and aren't ghosts described as being pale?" she asked, to which Marlowe rolled her eyes.

"I'm pale and I'm not a ghost."

"Yeah but you're Irish."

I had no idea what this conversation had to do with anything important, but a dark haired girl with ghostly pale skin, though I personally wouldn't call it ghostly. Honestly, it looked more gentle and soft. Yet, I knew her. I had seen her too. It's not like I told anyone about what I saw, I didn't mention her at all, so why does the description match so well.

Though, from a logical point of view, brunettes with pale skin is hardly a rare look, I'm sure there's millions of girls with that description. I was letting my mind escape me, I wasn't being rational, personally I blame Damian for that.

"What was she doing in this dream anyway?" Damian asked, sitting on top of the desk beside Amber's.

"Oh right," she spoke, glancing at the boy, "She closed a door."

Marlowe glanced up, "A door?"

"Yeah, she never looked at me, and then just walked off and closed a door. I don't know where it led but I guess I'm not welcome there."

"She never looked at you?" I asked, Marlowe giving me a weird look as if judging me for asking a question. Even though she just asked a question herself.

"Yeah, I never saw her face," Amber told me, "Does that mean something?"

Elias sighed, leaning against a desk. "I have to side with Marlowe, couldn't this dream just be due to the fact you got spooked and kept thinking about it? Plus Damian sort of put the idea of having a dream into your head."

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