Chapter XI

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Chapter Eleven

Seventy years ago? It doesn't seem that long, it seems like it was just yesterday actually. Though, it goes back beyond yesterday. It goes all the way back to the days of our childhoods, when we were just toddlers who couldn't be contained in the fences of our backyards.

Me, Beatrice, and Sasha all lived on the same street. Our houses looked similar, and our parents were all of a similar social status. We all attended the same little church every Sunday and every holiday service. We went to the same schools, got into the same classes. So naturally, we grew up together. It was all three of us, at all times really.

From the days we were toddlers, to our middle school days and skating behind the old theater. And then high school came. Unlike your class, our class was close knit. The community was close knit, most of our class had always been together, with the exception of Lottie and Frankie, but they joined in easily.

We were the troubles kids really, we drove our teachers mad all four years, because we were reckless and free. Or so we wanted to be.

"Giselle!" I can still hear her yell my name from across the courtyard, running through the crowd to jump me. "Did you hear? You heard right?"

"How could I not have? You're not the only one screaming about it, you know," I told her, watching her grin.

"Hey, we're seniors now Giselle, we have to live it up," she told me, wrapping her arm around my shoulder to point in the distance with her free hand. "See that? That's the limit."

I rolled my eyes at her pointing to the sky in such an over dramatic way.

"Oh, two lovely ladies cuddling up first thing in the morning," a familiar voice spoke, followed by a laugh.

"Silas, shouldn't you be hurrying to catch Hattie's morning swim practice?" Sasha spoke to the young man, who just smiled.

"Ay, yes I should, no PDA now you two," he told us with a wink, rushing off into the school.

"Sasha," Beatrice smiled, hopping over to his side to bump her hip into his, "You're going right?"

"To the party? Oh I have a choice actually?" he asked her with a fake surprised look, she just stared up at him emptily.

"Yes, actually, you do," she told him, looking away dramatically before looking back at him immediately. "But you wouldn't send the love of your life to a party by herself, would you?"

He just rolled his eyes. "You wouldn't be alone, you'd be with Giselle."

"Hey, who said I wanted to go, I was planning on sending her with you," I told him quickly.

"What? That's not fair, you made me go with her last time."

"She's your girlfriend, Sasha, your problem."

"She's your best friend, Giselle, so she's both our problem, a shared problem if you will," he told me, withholding his laugh when Beatrice made that offended face.

"I am not a problem," she pouted, walking off towards the building. Sasha and I just laughed, rushing after her.

Our homeroom teacher was a young man, he was quite charming, if I may say so. But, I was already way over that by this time. Though, our homeroom was always so messy, as our class didn't exactly respect him like they should. Mainly because he was only four years older than us, three for some people.

"You are going though, right?" Beatrice asked, making me turn around at my desk to face her.

"Probably, or you'd never let me hear the end of it," I spoke, glancing at Sasha, "Right?"

The House In The ForestDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora