Chapter V

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Chapter Five

The bookstore was empty as usual, just the old man. The older lady was missing, as well as all the customers. Though, I did see somebody leave as I came in, so they did have some business.

"You're staring quite hard at those books." The old man chuckled, walking up beside me. "Giving a gift?"

"Yes actually, she likes reading and she's read a lot more than me, so I have no idea what to get her," I confessed.

He just smiled. "Ah, a well read woman, sounds easy to shop for, but it's much harder than it sounds, isn't it?"

I didn't know his name, but he was a nice old man. He looked over the bookshelves, before snapping and walking across the room, pulling a book with a rather beautiful bright red cover.

He handed the book to me, it was titled Crafted in Clay, I had no idea of the genre. "This is the one, it's a newer story but it's quite popular, slightly spooky but has a lovely ending."

A strange way to describe a book, but he was the expert, so who was I to disagree. Plus, I had no idea what else I'd buy.

"Good luck boy, win her heart, eh?" He chuckled warmly as I left the building. I couldn't break it to him that the girl in question was a complete mystery and wasn't likely going to be won over so easily. Not that I was trying to win her over or anything, I just wanted to do something nice for her. I mean she was living in that house practically by herself, and she had read all the books there. And I was positive I could pick out a better book than whoever Sasha was. Not that it was a competition.

Though, stepping out of the bookstore into the cold air of Rubin. I had a slight sense of dread run down my spine. And not the slightest idea why.

I hurried a bit too much the next day to bring her the book, I almost knocked Marlowe over when I exited the school building. Of course I made sure I didn't, she was fine.

"In a hurry?" Marlowe asked me, that curious look in her eyes I didn't like.

"Where are you going?" Amber asked me, "Somewhere fun?"

"Ah, I have to get home, I have some stuff to take care of," I spoke, watching them stare at me, more curious than before.

Amber smiled though. "Well, it must be something good, you look excited."

"Shady, why are you happy? Aren't you the calm one?" Marlowe asked with narrowed eyes.

"One can be calm and happy Marlowe, come on." Thankfully Amber pulled her off to wherever they had been headed prior to running into me.

I didn't think I looked any different though, hopefully grandfather doesn't say anything if I do. I just pushed the thought aside, and hurried to the house.

Beatrice had me helping her clean the library, which wasn't really that dirty at all. A tad dusty only. I liked the look on her face when I told her I bought her something, curious and bright eyes. Even though it wasn't much.

"For me? Really?" she laughed, smiling at the book in her hands. She ran her fingers along the cover, "Well, for Beatrice."

"Beatrice?" I asked, watching her shake her head like it was an off hand comment, "It's for you, aren't you Beatrice?"

She stared at me, a strange look on her face before laughing. "That's right, it's just, I guess I'm referring to more of a, oh, you know how people often see you for a different side of you? Like there's the you around your friends, and the you around adults, and the you around adults is technically you, but more of an idealistic view of you that isn't really you. Does that make any sense?"

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