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❝𝘢 𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘩 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵.❞
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i love this song.


The feeling of being pulled into a side hug and the scent of whatever aftershave Cals wearing makes me grin. His voice sounding muffled from one of my ears being covered by his chest."Thanks for coming mate, means a lot"

"Of course—anytime." I tell him in return, patting his chest a few times.

"The pair of you rigged that.... stupid bastards" Lux shouts from the kitchen where he's tidying up. His middle finger coming into view from our distance away from him. I simply blow him a kiss I return, finishing up the laces on my shoes.

Filming with them both felt so natural. Its as if the camera wasn't there as I fucked up Lux' dish behind his back, both me and Cal cracking up with laughter, our faces turning red. It was the best distraction to take my thoughts away from harry, working perfectly as I never thought of him once while being in the company of the two other boys.

"Just text me if you need anything okay?" Cal speaks softly.

"You my mum now?" I snigger, taking a look up at him.

"Just want to make sure you're good that's all." I smile sincerely, thanking him for all of today. Shouting bye to the other callum, he tells me to drive safe the cold air hitting my face as soon as I'm out of the door. It's not dark out yet, the sun still shining even though it's the middle of Autumn.

Fuck, today's been a shit one.

I keep my composure as I get to my small car, my lip quivers from holding back the tears for this long.

I'm an extremely emotional person, something I always have been. I think that because I let Marcus control me and use every minor thing I ever did wrong against me for so long. When he was gone out of my life, I could finally let it all go. So I cried and cried until there was nothing left in me. I'm so used to bottling it up but my mum has always told me that with every problem, there's always a lesson to learn. My lesson in that situation being to just cry. From then on, I've had no problem crying. No matter what happens. Happy, sad, scared, anything. I cry.

So maybe this stings a hell of a lot more because I don't know what emotion it is that I'm feeling. I didn't get an explanation. Not one that was good enough that is. That's why I'm so hurt over it.

dress,  harry lewis/w2sWhere stories live. Discover now