The Base Violence Necessary for Change - Part 1

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          These couple weeks were probably the worst ones of my entire life. Too much was changing to fast. Something was happening to my magic, Vi was wanting to go on and do bigger things, the Undercity and Piltover were fighting again. It was just too much, you can only put so much on a kids shoulders before it starts to weight too heavy for them. And with the way things were going, it wasn't a surprise It started to get harder to carry.

"Why do you have all of this out?", came Shirou's groggy voice. Turning around Mylo and Clagger spotted the young boy sitting up on the bed, Krug resting on his lap. "Nice of you to finally wake up."

"And it's just in case the enforcers decide to attack tonight" he said, a proud smile on his face "We'll be ready with this."he finished. Resting Krug on the bed Shirou walked over and looked at the array of weapons on the table.

There was a baseball and a bat to go with it, a metal pipe, Vanders gloves which were for Vanders use only, and finally...... Mylos lock picking equipment? Picking it up he asked "What are we gonna do with this?"

Grabbing it from his hand Mylo took a look at it and responded "I don't know, it was sharp so I picked it up, just try to stab them in the eye or something.", "You want me to stab and enforcer in the eye with a lockpick?" a dumbfounded look on Shirou's face. "Of course" he said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Don't the enforcers wear helmets and goggles and other stuff like that." Shirou said making Mylo freeze "Y'know to protect themselves from crazy people who want to stab them in the eye with a lockpick" Now it was Shirou's turn to look smug. "You know very well that isn't why they were them" came Mylo's quick retort.

Shirou did nothing but chuckle and move back to the bed letting Clagger start another argument with Mylo "Anyways dibs on the bat", "No no no, I found it" "too bad I called it" "But I found it" "Respect the dibs, I called it" "Stop being such a big baby, I found it so it's mine".

Walking over to the bed Shirou looked behind him at the two arguing before swinging the bat over his shoulder, whistling innocently as the bat on the table slightly flickered. Walking over he sat on the edge of the bed and looked to the person currently laying on it. He noticed Powder had a gloomy look on her face.

Scooting up closer to her he asked "What's wrong". Not getting anything he scooted closer and asked again "come on, what's wrong" still not getting anything he decided to give her some space "Alright I'll leave it but just so you know, we should be back to normal soon.", Still no reaction he tried one more thing "And if it isn't I'll let you punch me".

"I don't wanna punch you" came Powders soft voice "You sure, I hear I have a very punchable face" hearing a soft giggle come from her and a small smile came to his face "Well it's there if you need it."

Hearing the door open everyone looked towards it, seeing Vi walk down the stairs with a slightly roughed up look everyone had different reactions. A quiet "Vi" was Claggers, "You ok Vi" was Shirou's, Mylo just sort of stood there looking a bit concerned, and Powder got up and ran straight towards her.

Looking down at Powder as she hugged her, she looked at her with a mix of shock and concern. She got teary eyed before moving away from Powder and going towards the weapons, reaching for Vanders gloves right before Mylo grabbed her hand stopping her.

Still holding her arm he said "Hey, those are Vanders, Slow down, what's going on." letting go of her she started to breath slightly heavily before telling them what happened "Benzo's dead", "Dead" Clagger quietly repeated himself. "They took Vander", "Who took Vander", "I don't know, but I need to help him"

"We're going with you" was Mylo's response to all this, he was being serious about something for once in his life. Vander meant a lot to every one in this room, more to some than others but he still meant something.

Vi leaned over the weapons table "Whatever killed Benzo, was like nothing I've ever seen.", "it tore him apart". Walking up to her Clagger put a reassuring hand on her shoulder, "You're not doing this alone Vi.", "He's our father too" Mylo chipped in. "Do you know where they took him". packing the weapons and walking to the door she answered "Ekko followed them, the old cannery next to the docks, he said...." coming to a stop she noticed Powder waiting with a case of all her explosives.

she sighed and spoke to her "I need you to sit this one out Powder." a hurt look came across her face "What?" walking up to her she continued "You're not coming." quickly retorting powder said "I'm not afraid.", "It's too dangerous.", "But families stick together. You said it yourself.", "I know what I said.....", "I want to fight. I can help.", "You're not ready!" the hurt look came back but this time worse. "you're all I have left" putting her hand up to her cheek she continued "I can't lose you too."

A moment passed until "Here. If they come for you, take this and run." she handed her a flare "Where ever you are, light it up, and I'll find you. I Promise." Looking over towards Shirou she began "Shirou" getting his attention she continued "Look after Powder whilst I'm gone". Looking her in the eyes he said "Aye, aye captain" and nodded getting a nod back from her. Walking up the stairs she got to the door and looked back one more time before leaving to go save Vander.

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