The Base Violence Necassary for Change - Part 5

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            I had thought of everything, I was gonna help Vi and get out of there, nothing more, nothing less. And I had done everything right, I had Silco on the ropes, he couldn't do anything to me, or so I thought. It was one of those situations where everything just went wrong, but it was part of the first stage that made us who we all are.

"I said, Call that thing off", Shirou threatened once again. Yet, Silco just stood there, before responding with a cold and stern voice "You may think you hold all the cards in this situation, Boy, but I've been dealt the better hand."

"What do you mean?" Shirou asked, his grip on the knife faltering for a second before he gripped it harder and pulled it closer to Silco's throat. "If you kill me, nothing will stop him from killing everything in this area." he stopped to let that sink in "And if you don't kill me, i will torment and hunt you down for the rest of your insignificant life"

Looking up Shirou saw just how right he was, Vi was closing the door as the monster walked towards her and the others, seeing the door slam shut, he watched as the monster started to hammer down onto it.  One punch after the other, Slowly wearing down the door. "How to I stop it then?" he asked, but why would he answer, it wouldn't benefit him at all. Yet, he still did. "Why, to do that, you're going to have to let go of me and kill him yourself"

And that alone left Shirou with an internal conflict, he's never killed someone before, how was he gonna do that now. And if he did he would be letting Silco go, something that could be even worse than waiting everything out. But when he heard a loud bang, he looked up to see the monster had left a dent in the metal door that seperated them from Vi and the others.

Making his decision, he climbed onto Silco's shoulders and pushed himself off, flying through the air towards the monster, knife held high, both hands gripping it he was ready to finish it with one hit, aiming straight for the head. But in the corner of his eye, he saw something, it took away his attention for a split second making him miss the monster's head and instead bury the knife in the monster's shoulder. It didnt seem bothered by it, it didn't even seem to notice it, instead, it's attention was where Shirou's was, a small metalic monkey with one of those glowing crystals connected to it.


The Cymbals clashed, connecting with the crystal inbetween.


With each connection it glowed that little bit brighter.


A sense of impending doom finally settled in as it just sat there. A quiet *click* of the turn dial on the back of the monkey accompanied by a *blink* as Shirou dissapeared and reappeared in a dim grey light only a little ways away, and finally, one, more *Crash* before the crystal exploded, just like the apartment, except this time on a much larger scale.

His magic only being able to carry him halfway across the bridge, he looked towards Silco with a look of desperation on his face, and Silco saw it. With his revenge driven mindset, he forgot one crucial point about everything going on right now, half of his enemies at the Cannery were just kids. With the look of fear on Shirou's face, mixed with the blue explosion behind him, he did something he never thought of doing.

He reached his hand forward towards Shirou. Reaching for him with everything he had in him. And Shirou reached back, he didn't want to die, not yet at least, if he was gonna go it was gonna be with a bang he created, and their hands met, a tight grip had formed as Silco brought him as close as possible, turning his back to the explosion waiting to take the brunt of it. He waited, and waited, but nothing came. Looking beind him he saw a grey barrier that seemed to hold off the explosion.

As the explosion dissapeared, Silco took a look at his surroundings, everything was in ruins, fire littered the area, the roof was damaged and half of it was gone. Looking down he took notice of the unconscious figure that was Shirou. That last thing he did must of taken it all out of him. Picking him up, he began to walk to the entrance ready to leave, as he did, any of his men that were still awake followed him out aswell. Behind them a flaming plank of wood fell from the roof as they all left blocking off the entrance to the Cannery as it went up in flames.

Things were gonna be different.

This should now hopefully wrap up this episode in the series some parts of it are left untouched, for e.g the Vi and Powder scene, but that was because Shirou isn't awake for that and considering this book is about him i thought it would be better to not include that part. So hope you liked it. I also uploaded Chapter 2 to my RWBY book so go check that out if u want.

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