→ chapter 2

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"I. Want. Mickey D!!!"

The inhumane shriek of the bratty, somewhere between six and ten-year-old boy, made her wince as she glanced at the kid with a none-too-subtle glare. And she wasn't the only one as several others in the area whispered about the obnoxious behaviour for the past ten minutes while waiting for their luggage in collective passive aggressive grumbles.

Vivienne had somehow managed to block out the shrieks with her noise-cancelling headphones, until the brat decided to cause a new tantrum not even two feet away from her, rendering the noise cancelling, well, cancelled.

Damn, like she hated kids.

Like no offence to the people choosing to have them or whatever, but for fucks sake, the agony of having to deal with them seems horrible to her.

Admiring a cute baby from afar was the furthest she could go. The moment they passed the adorable giggly toddler age only to go straight to bratty devil from hell, it was a no thank you. And sure the parents mattered too. Doesn't change the fact that every time she saw a kid that age her natural reaction would be the opposite direction to avoid a potential headache ruining her day.

The mother of that particular baby devil had tried to calm him down in the beginning until seemingly losing her own patience and just letting the small beast roam as he wanted, without care for the rest of the damn airport. Not that the father seemed that helpful standing by their trolley and talking on the phone as if his offspring wasn't creating ear-piercing havoc in public.

Sometimes she did hate parents.

Coupled with the fact that she never understood how people could possibly enjoy the bustle of airports. It was a shitcan of stressful, annoying and tiring with the lack of personal space with people rushing past her with fire on their heels. Screaming kids included.

Grunting, she miraculously managed to haul the last of her suitcases off the baggage claim and onto the cart without making too much of a fool of herself - that was a norm. Being a naturally stressful and anxious person Vivienne always overthought to the point it sometimes got her into the most humiliating moments of her life.

Growing up, her brother had tried to help with it to no avail. It was just something she couldn't control, always needing to have a mental checklist to make sure everything was ready to go. The stress often made her forgetful as well, which obviously sucked at the most important moments.

Taking a double check just to make sure she had everything, Vivienne nodded before pushing her way out of the bustling area and the little demon towards the 'Arrivals' gate. More than a dozen strangers were milling around greeting friends and family as she stared out into the gathered crowd in concentration, trying to catch the mop of familiar honey-blonde hair.

Her paranoia felt the prickle of stares even if her logical side was screaming that nobody was paying any attention to her. It was a mental struggle to live as she did sometimes.

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