┊viii. eight

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     Eden hadn't spoken to Peter since he leapt back out of her window last night after her parents had come home. She hadn't seen him either since she got to school, their classes not crossing over and his locker seemingly untouched.

Her mind seemed to immediately jump to one of either worst case scenarios: one, something had happened to him on the way home last night to which she could never forgive herself. Or two, this was a sign from the universe to not give whatever this is a chance.

Selfishly, she was really and truly hoping it was neither.

"You look like a woman on a mission." Gwen Stacy interrupts her train of thought, successfully startling her friend. "Do tell, is it lover boy again?"

Eden scoffs before replying. "First of all, the only mission I'm on is getting to my locker without getting trampled. Second of all, stop calling him that."

"Boo! You're no fun." The blonde gives her a playful shove as they finally reach the hallway her locker was on. "Hey, I heard about your parents research. That sucks, I'm sorry."

The taller girl whips her head around so fast she almost hurt her neck. "How do you know about that? You weren't at the labs yesterday, were you?"

"No, I saw it on the Brock report this morning."

"The what?"

Gwens eyes widen at her best friend, mouth falling open in surprise. "The Brock Report? Eddie Brock? Total heartthrob, does these really controversial news stories all the time? His fiance even more attractive than he is?"

Eden simply shakes her head, not a thought in her head revolving around Eddie Brock or his and his fiances attractiveness. She was, however, thinking about her parents and how they were feeling now that their research was out in the open. Her thoughts were quickly put on hold though as a certain brunette boy makes eye contact with her from the other end of the hall.

"Shit. Fuck." Eden spills, turning back towards her friend whow as still going on and on about Eddie Brocks fiance.

Gwen quickly shuts up, face morphing into concern. "You alright, Ed?"

"Um. Peter, coming here."

"Okay shit, fuck!" the blonde blurts before furrowing her eyebrows, "Wait, that should be good, right? Why are we freaking out?"

Thankfully Eden didn't have to answer that question just yet as the boy had finally reached them, mumbling a quick hello to Gwen before turning towards Eden.

"Hey, can we talk?" he asks hurriedly, his hands fidgeting with each other.

"See you in class, Ed. Bye Peter!" Gwen quickly rushes off, not wanting to be a part of the building tension in that corner of the hall any longer than she needed to be.

Eden shoved a few things into her locker before slamming shut and turning towards him with her best smile. As always, it catches Peter in astonishment. Every time she smiled at him like that, he swore he could feel his heart stop for a couple beats.

"How are you feeling?" She was the first one to speak, eyes flitting down to his torso in concern over where his wounds had laid open last night.

"I'm alright, thanks to you." he replies, a warm grin on his face. "Listen, um...I'm sorry about last night."

Eden felt her heart fall to her feet, praying instantly that he wasn't about to tell her that their kiss was a mistake. "What are you sorry about?" she asks breathlessly.

"Crawling through your window unannounced like that, I shouldn't have put that on you."

"Hey, I'm the one who told you to find me if you ever needed anything." she chuckles, relief washing over her that this wasn't the conversation she thought it would be. Yet she still also felt a little disappointed that he hadn't brought it up yet.

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