┊xiv. fourteen

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Max Dillon had been missing since that night in Times Square. It had been almost three days and Eden had seen no sign of him around the building. She thought it was merely a coincidence until Peter had relayed the conversation he had with the blue man from that night. He said his name was Max.

Which leads to this point in time, with Eden sneaking onto one of the computers near the lab. She had a sinking feeling that something similar to what happened to Pete had happened to Max and Oscorp was covering it up.

Of course, she hadn't voiced those thoughts out loud. Not until she's sure at least.

The computer in front of her had finally booted up and logged onto the server. Taking a quick glance around her to make sure no one was peering over; Eden quickly typed the mans name into the employee search bar. It takes a couple minutes before it finally loads.

Name not found. Search blocked.

Edens heart sunk deep into her stomach as she came to the realization; she was right. Eyes wide, she quickly logs off the computer and rushes off down the hallway, she needed to call Peter.

She could faintly hear footsteps following her down the hall, employees around her mumbling about security searching through the computer area. Edens feet moved faster than they ever had as she rushed towards the elevators, desperate to be out of this building.

It seemed like she had ran out of all her luck for the day though, as she runs herself straight into someones chest, causing both of them to trip. Luckily, this person had more balance than she had and had managed to keep them both upright.

"I'm so sorry I-" Eden begins to speak quickly until she looks up. "Pete? Wh-what are you doing here?"

Her boyfriend raises his eyebrows at her. "Me? What are you doing here? Aren't you off on Saturdays?"

Glancing over his shoulder, she spots the security team rounding the corner into the hallway they were stood in. She quickly grabs Peters hand and drags him into the supply closet on the other end of the hall.

"Ed, what the hell did you do?" he whisper yells as she shut the door, shrouding them in the darkness of the closet. Edens hand quickly finds the boys mouth, shutting him up as the group searching for her makes their way past the closet.

Once she deemed the coast clear, she removes her hand from his face. "I may have done something I really, really shouldn't have."

"You're in trouble."

"There was an accident, they're covering it up." Eden speaks quickly, her eyes flitting between the gaps in the door and her boyfriends eyes. Her boyfriend who she hadn't seen or heard from in the past three days. "Why have you been ignoring my calls?"

"You really want to talk about this right now?" Peter speaks incredulously. "Wait, what accident?"

"That guy from times square? Max. He was an electrical engineer; we were kind of friends. He was a big fan, by the way. I tried to search for him through the database and guess what? They're blocking the searches. It's like he never existed in this company."

Peter lets out an exhausted sigh. "Sounds like Oscorp."

His girlfriend nods, brushing hair off his forehead. "What about you?"

"Harry. He thinks he's dying."


"He's dying and he thinks the only thing that's going to save him is my- spider-mans blood."

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