┊xx. twenty

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     By the end of the night, Eden has successfully found the shelter and managed to snag a place to sleep for the night. She had made the decision that it was far too late and she was far too tired to look for answers upon her arrival, so she had decided to wait until the morning.

That's not to say that sleep came easy to her that night, because it almost didn't. It took a couple hours of racing thought and multiple tears to tire herself out enough to fall asleep. She still couldn't wrap her head around what was happening to her but she had stopped trying to make sense of any of it.

The only things she could be certain of as of right now was that she missed her parents, she was worried about Peter, Gwen was so going to kill her for this and that she needed to find this other Peter Parker as soon as possible.

Eden was awoken the next morning along with everyone else for breakfast, it was barely seven in the morning and she was exhausted but she knew she needed to get a head start on her day if she was going to find Spider-Man.

She was sat at one of the round tables in the main room, plate in front of her as she pushed the remainder of her scrambled eggs around her plate. It had been pretty dull so far, the people here weren't very social and it was quiet for the most part.

Well, until a certain Spider-Man came rushing through the front door yelling for someone called May. Edens eyes widened greatly at the sight of his running through the shelter, it was like every single prayer from the past twenty-four hours had been answered.

As soon as the kitchen doors had shut behind him, it was as if a switch had flipped within the Korean girl in the center of the cafeteria. Her plate was quickly forgotten as she hurriedly stood up and followed after him.

Edens steps halt as the three people in the kitchen come in view, all head turning to glance at her in confusion. "I saw the spider-man ad too." she says warily, continuing on from the man sat next to who she assumed was May. Aunt May?

"Wait, you're one of them too?" The boy in the spider suit— Peter asks.

The girls eyebrows furrow. "One of what?"

"Do you know a Peter Parker who's spider-man?" May questions gently, Eden nods in reply. "But that's not him, is it?"

"Afraid not."

The man sat at the table nods along to her answer. "I don't recognize him either. I just know that spider-man can help me."

"You want spider-mans help?" Peter asks again, the shock evident in his tone.

"Why is that surprising?"

"Everyone of you guys I've met so far has tried to kill me."

Eden had to refrain herself from letting out a gasp at his word. "There's more of us?"

Did that mean Peter and Gwen were here? Her parents even?

"Someone's living in my house." The older man interrupts the string of questioning, his eyes slightly glazed over as he stares off ahead of him. "Oscorp doesn't exist."

Edens senses perked at the mention of something she was familiar with. "I used to work at Oscorp. With my parents...and my best friend."

"I own it. Or at least, I used to."

"Norman? Norman Osbourne?"

Peters head moves frantically between the two strangers, trying to connect any dots he could. "You guys know each other?"

"Not exactly." Eden lets out a frustrated breath, rubbing at her forehead in frustration at this situation that only seemed to get worse by the second. "I know a Norman Osbourne, and a Harry Osbourne. But he's not him."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2023 ⏰

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