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Shana had just gotten out of the shower after nine in the morning when her phone rang. It was Marcus again. "Shana Matthews speaking."

"Good morning Shana. I just called to inform you, you passed the audition."

"Oh my gosh, that's great news!"

"You were the best. We decide to cast Jamel in the lead role. We'll start filming next week. So you better start packing because we're heading to Madisonville, Louisiana."

"Is that close to New Orleans?"

"Pretty close yes."

"Oh my gosh! I always wanted to go to New Orleans! How long will we be there?"

"A month. Two at the most. Then we'll come back and continue shooting in L.A."

"Oh my gosh. Thank you so much."


Benjamin came walking down the hospital corridor with a huge smile on his face when Shana rushed up to him with a pizza box in her hands. "I got us pizza!"

"Oh, I can see that. Let's go to the break room." They sat down on the couch and Benjamin put the box on the coffee table before he opened it and took a slice of pizza.

"So I got the part and I'm going to Madisonville in Louisiana next week!"

Benjamin almost choked on his pizza. "Wait... you're leaving L.A.?"

"Relax silly. It's not forever. It's only for a month, or two at the longest. You can come and visit."

"A month?"


"How am I going to survive a month without you?"

"It will be over sooner than you think, and we can FaceTime every night. I know it sucks, but I finally got the lead role I've been waiting for for so long."

"Okay, here's the deal. We can FaceTime every night and I'll try and get a few days leave to visit you in Louisiana. You know my superior isn't too keen on giving leave. But I will try my best."

"I knew you would, Dr. Franklin."


Shana's bags were already packed when she got an SMS from Marcus that they came to pick her up. She grabbed all her stuff and headed downstairs to find a blue VW kombi parked outside. Marcus got out of the car and helped load her bags in the back of the bus. Jamel, Bradley, and Jaime were also seated in the kombi when she got in. "Where are the other actors?" Shana asked confused.

"Oh, some of the crew and cast decided to fly down to New Orleans. They'll meet up with us in Madisonville."


Marcus got in the kombi and started it before he drove off. A few days later they arrived in Madisonville where they hired two cabins on the outskirts of town. Marcus parked his bus outside one of the cabins and helped Shana unload her stuff before he carried it into her cabin.  "I'll let you have this one. It's nicer."

"Where will the other guys stay?"

"They'll be staying with me."

"I should probably let my boyfriend know I arrived safely in Madisonville."

"You have a boyfriend?"

"Yeah, he wanted to come with, but he has to work."

"What does he do for a living?"

"He's a surgical resident."

"A doctor?"

"Yes. We knew each other since college. I majored in drama and he majored in medicine."

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