A few days later

None of the Supernaturals kids were happy about Today. Another brutal Lap Experiment, which Mr.Jeff informed them all about, well only a little bit of information, all he told them was a lab experiment, he never told them what was gonna happen.

The kids all woke up took their showers and put on they're Grey Jumpsuits. The Supernaturals were headed for the cafe for breakfast.

After breakfast Enforcers came in and escorted the them out. Half of the Supernaturals were brought out of the cafe as they were free to do whatever they want for free time, while the other half were taken for the lab experiment. Zion, Conan, and the girls along with half of the Supernaturals were taken to the prison room.

It was separate, boys cells on one side and girls cells on the other, Conan wasn't gonna be tested because he's too young so he's with the other kids his age and under, who are also to young to be test, they were all outside, free time.

A few minutes later a Enforcer, swiped his card in the slot opening Enid's cell door.

Enid looked up at him and slowly stood up. She walked out of the cell, The Female Enforcer also took out another girl, at least 9, A Male Enforcer took two boys about her age out of his cell. The four kids followed the Enforcers to who knows where.

The Enforcer took the kids out of the prison room and into a different laboratory. The Augmentation Room.

 The Augmentation Room

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They stepped into a room

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They stepped into a room. There were all sorts of monitors, tanks filled with chemicals, people in white coats walking around. For this Experiment, all the kids had to wear swim like wear, All the girls wore black short sleeve tight crop tops with black tight swim shorts that stop at the knees, All boys only wore Black tight swim shorts that stop at the knees.

Seeing this, Enid let out a Wolf whimper, she and the other kids, looked very scared.

"No need to fret, Enid, (insert name), (insert name), (insert name)," You'll hardly will feel a thing." said The Male Enforcer chuckled.

" Are the subjects ready?" asked a voice. It was Mr. Jeff.

The kids could try to get away as the Enforcers were behind them.

Mr. Jeff took Enid as other Scientists took the other three kids, all the tanks were separated and a few inches apart.

The Enforcer had to hold Enid even tighter to keep her in place as she started kicking while trying to break free.

Mr. Jeff led her and the Enforcer towards one of the pools of water. He lowered the table and lifted Enid onto it. He strapped her down to the table.

She closed her eyes as she was lowered into the water. She could hear machines whirring as she tried to break free.

"Can you hear me? " Mr. Jeff said. "I need you to hold you breath for five seconds, if you can hear me." said Stryker.

Enid held her breath for five seconds. Mr. Jeff  looked at the heart monitor and then nodded.

"Okay Enid, I want you to let the breath out very slowly." said Mr. Jeff

The young Wolf-Shifter began to breathe normally, which was considerably hard.

"Enid, this will only hurt a second." said Mr. Jeff.

He pressed a few buttons and gave a small smirk as twenty needles on each side of the pool, began to lower into the water.

Mr. Jeff reached to stop the machine, but A Scientist stopped him. The needles finally reached the water and stopped only inches away from Enid's body.

Mr. Jeff pressed another button and the needles entered the little girl's body. She let out a loud scream, which anyone was barely able to hear, since she was under water. Though everyone was able to see on the monitors.

"Pull her out." said Mr. Jeff.

The Scientist quickly shut off all the machines and ran down to the pool of water. When Enid was pulled out; it was clear that she was freezing and incredibly bruised from the needles. The other three kids were lifted out of the tanks as well, all shivering. The Kids we're wrapped in blankets and then handed  to a Enforcers.

"Take them back to the cells"

The Enforcers led Enid and the other kids out the room. She looked through the window and saw two more Enforcer leading Zion, a boy, and two girls and in the Laboratory.

The Scientists strapped them down to into separate tables and lowered them into the pools of water, they did the same thing they did to her. The kids began to scream.


After the water lab experimented on they were escorted outside, kids were running around, playing tag or chasing each other around. Some older kids from the water testing, they were outside as well.  Conan was chasing another boy, about his age, laughing. He stopped when he notice Enid and his friends. "Enid!" He grinning, racing over to them, and tackled Enid in a hug, as she caught her balance.

"You guys are ok!" He grinned as he looks at Zion and Hailey "You guys are ok, right?" He looks concerned.

"We're fine, Kid" Zion smiled, ruffling Conan's hair.

"More or less, but we're fine" Hailey smiles.

The four kids all sat down in a circle, enjoying the sun and the nice cool breeze in they're hair.

It was a moment of silence.

"You know.." Zion broke the silence, getting their attention as they look at him "It doesn't matter what they do to us, you know? They can break our souls, Beat us, Hurt us, threaten us.." He says with a frown.

"-But, Nothing really bad can happen as long as we have each other" Enid gave a sad smile.

"Yeah!" Hailey smiled. Conan jumps on Zion's back, with a smile, Zion grabs him and ruffles his hair.

"We Stick Together!" Hailey grinned and wrapped her arms around Enid, who smiled.

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