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They continue their journey in the van.

The Van arrived at a motel. It's very late and the sky is pitch black. The only lights provided are the motel's sign, the light outside the rooms. and one street light. Zion broke into the room. It doesn't seem occupied and it's good enough for four people.

The Gang each took their showers and put on fresh clothes, after that the gang went to sleep. Enid, Hailey, and Mika took one bed, while Conan and Zion took the other bed.

In the Morning, they were back on the road. They continue driving, Zion stop at an abandoned Mall as he parked and grabbed the backpack from beside him. The others got out of the Van and looked at the abandoned mall in question.

"So why are we at the mall?" Enid asked.

"Somebody's got to get supplies, right?" Zion asked as through it was obvious. They all walk inside the mall. They're in darkness

"It's really dark in here" Conan grabs Enid's hand.

"Zion. Fix the Lights" Hailey hold Mika's hand.

Zion goes to an electrical socket and somehow  for an electrical current to give them some power.

Fairy lights all over turned on, causing the group the smile. If it was dark outside the fairy lights provided light, the whole mall would look like midnight city.

"We need a new Wardrobe" Enid grinned with a chuckle.


Enid, Mika, and Hailey were at the clothes section, picking and trying things on a few things things.

Zion was trying on different pairs of sneakers, Conan, soon joining him and giving him a thumbs up of approval.

They're outfits


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They go towards the Mall exit with lots of things but Enid notices something on the ground. Somebody wrote "GET OUT" on the wall.

"Uhh guys" Enid says backing up.

"What?" Zion and Hailey turn around.

They see shadows everywhere. Conan's jumps into Enid's arms, and Mika in Hailey's. They hear footsteps.

There are four kids in front of them.

"You guys could have been Enforcers" one boy says as he takes off his mask, he had blond hair and blue eyes.

"Who are you guys!" Enid asks as Conan looks at the mysterious people. Zion gets in front of his friends.

"We just needed supplies" Zion says as the rest of the guys came up.

"Look we're sorry. You know us, Supernaturals. It's crazy in the open and we have to go into hiding. You guys can stay here for the night" another Mysterious boy says.

Later that night

Everyone sat in a circle near some tents with a lantern light in the middle of them.

"Since you guys are here, I'm guessing you all escaped The Prion during the big Escape?" The Mysterious boy says.

They all nod.

"And, looking for the camp?" The other Mysterious boy says.

They all nod.

"You know where his camp is?" Zion asks.

"Yup, I can't tell you the location though. It's secret for a reason. To keep the Supernaturals safe from the Enforcers" he says. "But, for a hint, W.S.O"

"What's W.S.O?" Hailey asked.

"That's all you get" he says. "I'm sorry but, it's the only way to keep us Supernaturals safe from the Humans and Enforcers"

They soon got into their separate tents. Hailey was in the tent, as she was reading a children's book to both Conan and Mika, it wasn't long before the two kids both yawned and fell asleep. She turns to Enid "You, go with Zion. I'll watch them"

Enid nods and gets out the tent and walks up to Zion, who was sitting down with a notebook in his hand. "What are you doing?" She asks him.

He wrote her a note that says "Keeping watch". Enid nods.

"I don't want them taking the van" Zion says as the two walk farther away from the tents.

"What does W.S.O mean?" The shifter asks.

"I don't know" He says "I mean, that hint is just as useless as trying to find hints on the radio" he sighs. He lightens up "Wait a minute, that could be it"

"What's it?" Enid asks as Zion pulls her with him as he turns to her "What if W.S.O is like a..it could be a frequency"

"Like a sound Radio Frequency?" Enid asks.

"Exactly" He says.

"We need to find a Radio" She gasps and runs off towards some shelf's. "It could work"

The two continue trying to find a radio in the shelf's. "Zion, over here" she calls him.

Zion finds the aisle she's in, in front of a radio. "Let's hope this works" Zion says. He and Enid look at each other before nodded in sync.

Zion puts the letter W.S.O into the radio converting them to numbers. At first it's a bunch of static and then a voice was heard.

"If you can hear this, you're one of us. If your one of us, you can find us. Lake Prince Virginia" the radio repeats

Zion and Enid had smiles upon their faces, knowing they were gonna be safe.

"No way" Zion  smiled.

"Oh my god" Enid said running her hands through her hair.

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