Chapter 17

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Excitement was bubbling under the surface of everything the first years' did at Hogwarts this week, even those like Susan Bones who'd visited there many times before were looking forward to showing their friends around the ministry. The positions were now reversed as the muggle borns were trying to discover what they could expect to see on Friday.

Millie was packing her stuff and getting ready to leave Charms when Pansy whispered that she'd like a private word. They headed off down the corridor before slipping into an empty classroom.

Millie didn't want to waste any time, "What's the problem Pansy?"

Pansy was wringing her hands from nerves, "I need you to do something for me. Draco is about to make a very big mistake and I need your help in stopping him."

Millie appeared confused, "What can I do?"

The nervous Slytherin took a deep breath before replying, "You can tell the Potters of his plans to attack them."

This really flummoxed Millie, she couldn't figure what Pansy was up to. "Why would you want me to do that?"

Pansy tried to explain to her fellow Slytherin. "My father was in the court public gallery the day Sirius Black was freed. He maintains Harry Potter played the entire room for fools before stitching up the minister in front of the press on his way out. He has warned me not to cross the Potters on any account, if Harry wasn't already married my father would have a betrothal contract with my name on it sent to him. My father is a very hard man to impress but Harry Potter managed it."

Millie was now more confused than ever, "I'm sorry Pansy, if you think Harry is going to leave Hermione under any condition then you're delusional."

Pansy rolled her eyes, "It's nothing like that, it's Draco I'm worried about. They plan a surprise ambush on them. Should they be successful and harm Hermione in any way, what do you think Harry would do?"

Millie now understood, "I think we both have a very good idea what Harry would do, Draco wouldn't stand a chance."

"Exactly, the attack would probably fail anyway. If they know it's coming, it should lessen the chances of anyone getting hurt. They plan to ambush them as they make their way back from Quidditch practice on Thursday night.

Millie could see the sense in that plan, it might even stand a chance of working, if it wasn't against Harry and Hermione Potter. "I'll let them know Pansy, I also stand by what I said, you're far too good for Draco Malfoy. Once you start hanging around with some real friends, you might realise that."


Their extra defence lesson that week was fantastic. The atmosphere between Tonks and Remus was bursting with fun and mischief. This carried over to the first year duels, with Tonks acting almost as a cheerleader and Remus providing hilarious commentary, learning had never been so much fun. Harry of course won the impromptu tournament by virtue of no one being able to hit him with a spell.

Remus then challenged him under the same rules and faired no better. Harry's movements transcended fluidity and he appeared to anticipate where the spells were aimed before they were even cast. A sneaky Tonks attempted to help her new boyfriend by firing a stinging hex from behind him, only to find it blocked by Hermione. This started a duel between the two witches, still sticking to the same rules and laughing at each other's attempts.

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