Chapter 21

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It was with immense relief Amelia spotted the three professors guarding the entrance to the great hall, seeing all the students sitting safely inside did wonders for her anxiety. Auror Tonks clearly had the situation under her control and even had the foresight to cover the body where it still lay. Amelia didn't have to search for her niece, Susan came running the instant she spotted her aunt. There were other children doing the exact same with their auror parents, Amelia also caught sight of two worried looking redheaded boys who had to be twins talking to Tonks. The head of the DMLE went toward her young auror to discover what had happened here. Susan refused to let go and accompanied her guardian, Amelia couldn't help but think it must be bad for Susan to be this clingy.

Tonks had only started to describe tonight's proceedings when the minister arrived with his two auror protection detail. "Good evening Amelia, when I heard there was an emergency here, I thought you might need some assistance."

"Minister, Auror Tonks here was in the process of describing what happened at Hogwarts tonight, and why she raised the alarm, when you arrived. She suggested we look under this cover first."

The sight of Voldemort protruding out the back of someone's head turned Fudge's complexion the same shade of lime green as the bowler hat he used to be famous for wearing. It didn't improve as Tonks told her tale, Amelia was now returning Susan's clinging hug with interest. She was nearly finished when Minerva came streaking into the hall in her cat form before transforming in front of Poppy. Both redheads headed for McGonagall as Madam Pomfrey practically sprinted out the doors.

"Professor McGonagall, We can't find Ron in the Hall."

"Do you know where he is?"

"Is everything all right?"

Minerva knew they would be bringing the boy down as soon as Poppy stabilised him enough so he could be moved. The entire school would find out soon enough. "I'm sorry boys, Ron was in a toilet and the troll trapped him in there. It wrecked the toilet and Ronald is pretty badly injured. We shall be transferring him to St Mungo's as quickly as we possibly can and then contacting Charlie. It would appear it was pure bad luck the troll chose that particular door."

Amelia, Cornelius and Tonks had caught the end of that conversation and the minister had more than a few questions he wanted answered Since Dumbledore was sitting there as if he was on a different planet, he would make do with the deputy for now. "Professor McGonagall, Lady Potter apparently made a parting statement about something dangerous being hidden inside this school to attract Voldemort. I would like to hear what you know about this."

Cornelius made it plain this was not a request but a demand that had the entire weight of the ministry behind it, Minerva had no inclination to cover for Albus. She had complained bitterly about this but as usual been ignored. "The headmaster has the philosopher's stone hidden behind some magical traps on the third-floor corridor."

Tonks jumped right in, "When we were checking for the missing Weasley boy, the headmaster told us that corridor had been sealed off. We took his word that it was and never checked it!"

Minerva shook her head, "It was never sealed off, the headmaster just announced that the students shouldn't go there if they didn't wish to die a most painful death."

All four adults were now staring at the old wizard who was sitting there as if impervious to his surroundings. Susan still had hold of Amelia, since this would be everywhere by tomorrow, Amelia didn't see the point in denying her niece, and also her, the comfort they were both deriving from the contact.

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