Chapter 18

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Charlie felt unable to make the decision about Ron and Hogwarts so forwarded the problem to Cairo, Arthur Weasley predictably hit the roof.

"What in the name of Merlin was Ron doing attacking the Potters, in the company of the Malfoy boy no less. I knew when Charlie told us that's who he was hanging about with there would be trouble."

Molly wisely let her husband rant himself out before she spoke, "What do you think we should do about this? Will Ron be safe there?"

Arthur was still mad though, "Not if he deliberately disobeys me again and goes after the Potters. Had they harmed that girl in any way, Lord Potter would have demanded vengeance, and got it. They would at the very least been expelled, with their wands snapped and magic bound. We all know he would have done it in a second if they'd harmed his wife. As if we don't have enough trouble with Percy still missing, Ron has to go and pull a stunt like this. I never thought I would see the day when the twins would be the sensible ones in this family."

Bill was also very angry but for a very different reason, "I never thought I would see the day when a brother of mine would be prepared to stand back and watch a young girl get hit by beater bats. Are you sure he's not adopted? Hanging out with Malfoy and now pulling this shit! If Charlie hadn't burned our bridges with Muriel, I'd say send him there. They deserve one another."

Molly being the calm one was also something never seen before, "That doesn't help us decide what to do next."

Arthur took a couple of calming breaths, this was not a decision to be made in anger. "Ok, let's look at this logically. He can't stay with the Lovegoods, the girls currently share the only other bedroom and there's no one there to home school him. Britain is Hogwarts or nothing. Charlie can't take a child onto a dragon reserve so the only other option is here. We eat, sleep and work with not enough hours in the day to get done what we need, where have any of us got the time to teach Ron anything. He would end up spending his days fetching and carrying while we try to make a go of this place."

Neither Molly nor Bill could argue with any of that.

"I still see Hogwarts as his only option. Minerva has him in detention until Halloween, let's wait until then and see if it controls his temper. Perhaps we could get him here for the Christmas holidays and introduce him to some hard work. Two weeks helping out here will have him desperate to return to Hogwarts and stay out of trouble."

Molly just kept glancing at her new clock that had no hand for Percy and Ron's still pointing at Mortal Peril. The logic behind her husband's thinking was crystal clear and bringing Ron here for the Christmas holidays might just be the kick up the arse her youngest son needed to get him back on the straight and narrow. They would just have to pray the safety measures the school had taken would be effective and Ron stayed out of trouble until then. The family didn't really have another option at the moment and Christmas wasn't that too far away.


When Harry and Hermione arrived in Crawley, they found total disarray and mum appeared ready for a good cry. Moving home is regarded as one of the most stressful things you can do in life, Emma's emotions were already all over the place as good memories of raising Hermione here had surfaced all day. This was totally irrational as she adored her new home but a part of her would always miss this place.

Hermione sprang into her mother's arms while Harry surveyed the scene. "Ok, I'll phone the restaurant and get a booking for seven. That should give everyone time to get ready for dinner and we'll leave from there to our new home."

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