Chapter 24

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The spirit inside Hogwarts was approaching fever pitch as the trip to Australia had the entire school buzzing. A part of the world that was no more than a blob on a map before suddenly became very interesting to the first year students. The information they could find pointed to the Native Australian Magical culture mostly being swamped by the influx of muggles and wizards escaping poverty and prejudice in their own countries. Australia had developed its own form of magical society, they didn't care about how pure you thought your blood was. People were judged by their actions and deeds, not their ancestry.

The teaching staff were also riding this wave of enthusiasm for learning, everyone was incorporating a little Oz into their lessons. From having the first year's brew simple insect repelling potions to sunscreen charms for the hot Australian summer, all were eagerly absorbed by the willing students.

As Remus and Charity were travelling with the students, they began holding evening classes to explain about airports, planes and in-flight entertainment. These classes were not only heavily attended but very well received, muggle studies had never enjoyed such a high profile inside Hogwarts. If Charity had held these extra classes at this time last year there wouldn't have been three people there, including herself.

Minerva could feel the lift in her school's spirit and the pivotal point was that arrival by Hedwig. She had feared that having the two most popular students forced from the castle could have seen the raft of positive changes since September slip back to the old bigoted ways, Minerva was delighted that this proved not to be the case. She had also received a note from the Potters, personally inviting her to spend Christmas with them and the rest of their friends. She had completed the forms requested by the goblin delegation who dealt with all the students as well, she still hadn't decided whether she would travel or not.

Minerva wasn't convinced leaving Hogwarts for two weeks was a good idea and there was the other consideration to take into account. The children were all eagerly anticipating their holiday in Australia, having the headmistress along might just put a damper on their experience.

The laughter emanating from the Gryffindor table caused her eyes to track there automatically, quickly discovering the source. Harry was obviously talking to his friends again using that wonderful mirror. After ten minutes or so, students from that table moved to talk with friends from the other house tables. Within minutes, Minerva had a large, multi-house delegation facing her in front of the staff table. Minerva couldn't help but think this was a sign of how much Hogwarts had changed, there were students from every house and Mr Longbottom was the spokesperson.

"Headmistress McGonagall, Harry has told us you have yet to decide whether you will be travelling to Australia with us, he and Hermione asked us to help you make up your mind."

Miss Bones spoke next, "Headmistress, without your support, most of what we've achieved this year wouldn't have happened. We really do want you to come with us."

Millie chipped in her two knut's worth, "Besides headmistress, who else can make the Weasley twins behave? I'm not nervous about getting on a plane and flying half way around the world. Two weeks with Fred and George terrifies me." This drew a lot of laughter as Millie feigned fear as the twins pretended to be hurt by her remark.

Minerva was touched by their genuine concern for her, she couldn't imagine them doing this for Albus. They were all waiting patiently on her saying something, "Mr Longbottom, the next time you are speaking to Mr or Mrs Potter, tell them I'll be there!"

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