Chapter 43

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Last Chapter Guys, but in a few days the sequel should hopefully be up, called Arcadia's Love, and it'll start with Amy and Rory's wedding, then fade into a very, very special one that you've been waiting for ;) Thank you all so, so much for reading this, and being my awesome commenters and voters, especially if you've been here since the very beginning! Love you all, Izzi xxx


"Dear Santa. Thank you for the dolls and pencils and the fish, and I know that Alice loved her copy of Black Beauty and the pretty fob watch. It's Easter now, so I hope I don't wake you, but, honest, it is an emergency. There's a crack in my wall. Alice says it's just an ordinary crack, but I know it's not, because at night there's voices, and I know she here's them too. So, please, please, could you send someone to fix it, or a policeman, or" Something in the garden made a noise, and I turned to look at something. "Back in a moment." I ran to the window, looking out at our garden. But there was nothing there.


"It's a lovely painting, Amelia. And what are all these?" My psychiatrist asked, and I looked at Alice, who winked.

My reply, my reply was something I was sure of, and I knew that Alice, my mad big sister, was only pretending here. "Stars."

"Oh, Amelia..." She muttered, shaking her head at me, but there was another wink in there. She was all I had, and I knew that she thought the sky should have stars too. They were just missing, that was all.

"Tell you what, shall we go outside?" Christine asked, indicating for us both to follow her. We went into the garden, and she pointed upwards. "What do you see, Amelia? And you, Alice?"

"The moon." We answered together

"And what else?"

"Just the dark."

"But no stars. If there were stars up there, we'd be able to see them, wouldn't we? Amelia, look at me. You know this is all just a story, don't you? You know there's no such thing as stars, like your sister told you."

A little while later, Alice was still downstairs with her, and luckily, she looked old enough to pass as my 15 year old sister, instead of the one who was really only about 11. I'd never really been sure of how old she was, but I knew that we didn't have anyone in our lives apart from each other.

"But there's bound to be a bit of her that feels alone. Amelia's a really good person. It's quite common, actually. Throughout history, people have talked about seeing stars in the sky. God knows where it comes from."

"I just don't want her growing up and joining one of those Star Cults. I don't trust that Richard Dawkins." That was so a load of poo, she loved everything he had to say and she wanted to bring her own research to him one day. Alice and Christine walked out of the kitchen into the living room, when someone in a fez posted something through the door.

I ran down to get it, finding a leaflet for the National History Museum, titled the Anomoly, saying Come Along, Ponds. Well, that sounded interesting.

Little Alice/Sera:

"Come on, Alice." Amelia grumbled, trying to pull me through the crowds. When she'd shown me the leaflet, and told me that the man delivering it was wearing a fez, I had a thought about something, about a man in a bow tie. But I didn't know anyone who wore one of those.

Eventually Amelia did stop, looking something called a Dalek, and I was the one pulling her away then, a feeling of dread filling my heart, making it fell like there were two. We both had drinks, though I had a bottle of water and she had a super sized coke, and when we finally managed to get through the crowds to see the Pandorica, the exhibit we were told to come and have a look at, someone ripped them both away.

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