Chapter 14

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"Doctor!" I cried, struggling to do my jeans up. As if by magic, overnight I had developed a baby bump. Only a small one, but I couldn't wear my favourite jeans.

"What? Please tell me you did not make me run from the kitchen because you can't fit into some jeans." He gasped, appearing in the doorway.

"It's not funny! I was big enough and now you've got me knocked up I'm getting fatter! Amy's going to notice, you know that, right?" I gave up and slid my jeans off, digging through my wardrobe for a dress. Melody was already getting in the way.

"You weren't fat and you still aren't fat, Ali. And it takes two to get pregnant. Wear that dress you wore to Kremar, if you're so worried about your sister finding out."

I huffed and grabbed the green maxi dress off of the hanger, tugging the soft fabric over my head. I looked back in the mirror and saw a normal sized person looking back at me. "Smart arse."

"Is that the hormones or you talking? Love you, my lovely Love." He whispered, hugging me and keeping a hand over Melody. It felt weird knowing my baby before she was born, but at least I knew River turned out alright.

"Love you too, my sweet Sweetheart. I want to wear heels but I know that it's bad for her."

"Converse, it is the only way. Purple or red?" The Doctor pulled one of each colour out of his pocket.

I stared. "You knew I was going to say that. And one of each, it's going to be the fashion in about 6 years."

"Loving how you know that. Hurry up, we need to go."

I rolled my eyes, sitting on my bed to tie the laces. Since I'd properly moved into the TARDIS, she'd redecorated for me, giving me dark purple walls, a star system ceiling and fluffy black carpet. Perfect really.

"You mean we'll be late for my surprise party?"

The Doc groaned, "This is what Amy, Donna and I get for trying to surprise the psychic! At least act surprised, Princess, they put so much effort into this, even Mels contributed!"

This was news to me. "Really? She hates this kind of thing."

"She gave us quite a few ideas, actually, even paid for some stuff. Done?" I nodded and he helped me stand up. "We're already parked in Leadworth, Donna was scared I'd mess up the times."

"Good idea, Mr Make-Us-Two-Hours-Late. Come on, I know I have to be there, not sure why, but I do."

He kept hold of my hand, giving it a squeeze. "Maybe because you need to tell Amy that you're pregnant? She will guess, sooner or later. Or Rory will, he is a nurse and can deliver her."

"I thought you'd want Martha to do that. Maybe we can have both, that would be nice. I'm not telling her today, that would be a bit too much, especially as we only found out ourselves yesterday." We paused at a door and knocked. "Donna, we'll wait for you outside, hurry up though."

"You guys go on ahead, I'm gunna be a while longer." There was a bump and some swearing. "Doctor, I could use some help actually."

He gave me a look as if to ask if it was ok. "Go on, Spaceman, I'll go eat something before I throw up."

"Thanks, Ali." He pecked my lips. "There's some cereal bars in the cupboard above the cooker." Then he slipped into Don's room, closing the door behind him.

She was obviously in charge of presents. Amy wouldn't let anyone do the cake but her, Rory would be in charge of decorations and Marcus would be on guests. The Doc, or Dave, would be put to the task of getting me to turn up.

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