Chapter 21

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I woke up in the TARDIS again, but I kept my eyes closed, listening to the along the Doctor singing. It was the nursery rhyme I had sung to me as a child, not that Time Lords were ever considered children. But I never remembered singing it to the Doctor.

"Why do you know my song?" I asked, sitting up and looking at him, with his nose in a book. My book. "You're not supposed to read that."

"I'm re-reading what I've already read, from before Rory. And I didn't know it was yours, one night when I slept in the barn, the barn I destroyed everything in, I heard someone singing it, telling me not to be scared. Every time I'm scared now, I sing it in my head."

I smiled and took my book out of his hands, seeing he was just about to finish what we had lived through. "Bad Doccy, spoilers. That's why mummy sang it to me when she visited, because I was scared of my visions. I still cried blood."

"Well, I'm glad that you're safe now. And that you aren't scared, at least of me. You, you aren't scared of me, are you?"

I lent forwards and kissed him softly. "No. Just, promise me with your big brown does eyes that you won't leave me again, even if you think you're doing the right thing."

He pulled me onto his lap and kissed me harder. "I promise. I don't ever want to let you go again."

I smiled and looked around the medical room, and how familiar it had become to me. I'd had to give birth to my dead son in here, I hated the sight of it. "Can we, can we not stay, in here."

He looked confused for a second, but realisation dawned on him. "I understand why, but there is one thing we need to do in here first." He placed me back on the bed and walked over to the gurney by the furnace. On it, was a small TARDIS pot, filled with our Rory's ashes. "I'm sorry, I should have noticed sooner, I should have known that you were miscarrying and saved him. I'm sorry, Seraphina."

I shook my head at his does eyes filling with tears at something that wasn't his fault. "Don't you dare, don't you dare blame yourself for this, Legacy Sigma. This is my fault, I saw the future and didn't try hard enough to change it. Its my fault Rory died. Our little boy." I started crying myself and hugged my knees to my chest, missing the weight of the bump I had carrying him.

"Oh, my Princess. My beautiful, wonderful and amazing Sera. It was not your fault Rory died either. It was Davros and the Daleks. But we need to say good bye to him, give him a Time Lord burial." He wrapped his arms around me, holding me so close I could barely breathe

Time Lord burials involved cremating the body and then pouring their ashed remains into the stars. We had done it to my brother once, before they resurrected a crude, blood thirsty version. I tried to kill Rassilon once I realised, and I couldn't remember much of the War after that. "The Ilianan Sun. Like his Uncle."

"Sun of those who died in battle. He was a little Warrior who died for his cause before he even came into this Universe. He was our little kicker all those bruises."

"The time he fractured my rib. He could have played football with his Uncle Rory. The Rory Football team." I laughed through my tears, remembering how the Doctor panicked when I collapsed with pain in IKEA when we went searching for baby furniture.

"Yeah, I embarrassed us a little bit there, when I insisted on wheeling you out in the trolley. But your rib was purple, I freaked!"

We sat there for a little while, just talking about my pregnancy and my cravings and everything. But eventually we had to set him free. "You fly, I'll supervise." I managed to say weakly as I carried our sons ashes into the control room. It was nice to see that he hadn't changed it yet, I really liked the coral desktop and it suited his sort of grungy outlook on life.

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