Chapter 22

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"Why do I get the yellow space suit!" I pouted, trying to be all cutesy to get him to let me wear Ria's old green one. We were both ginger, so that was a better colour.

He poked my nose and smiled back. "No. It's ripped after last time you borrowed it, so we need to fix it first. Yellow it is. Suit up, we're on Mars."

I did as he said, giving him a nice view of my bare back. With the visor down on the Doctor's helmet, he looked a little like a jack in the box, all folded inside something too small. My horrible yellow suit was too loose, and made me look like an American. "This is so fugly. I'm fugly!"

"Stop it, Mrs Blue-Eyes, come along, Dark." He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the door. "Now, look at that, the beauty of Mars, simple and elegant."

Remember Baby, there's no comms, and I'm rubbish at lip reading. The green suit connects to the orange one...

Enough, Seraphina. We wandered around for a while before we eventually found what I had been looking for. The Bowie Base one, not that the Doctor knew we were acting on the last tiny vision I'd seen. Oh, beautiful.

I felt something jab into my back, and I turned to see a robot pointing a gun at me. The Doctor hadn't noticed, still speaking in my mind. Oi, Mr Let-Me-Get-Shot, there is a gun wielding robot behind you.

What? Ohhhh.... We walked in the direction the robot pointed, then I tried to see the outcomes, before I remembered. I was no better than a human now, so no visions. Sera. No freaking out, and try not to pass out.

Shut up. You took the drums when you took my visions, passing out would be just an act. One I'm pretty good at to be fair.

The Doctor

"State your name, rank and intention." The woman pointing yet another gun at us demanded. Sera was on the other side of the robot who was in between us, looking fairly bored by this point.

"The Doctor."

"The Writer."


"Prophetess, bookshop owner and all around spaz."


"Following this douche bag."

"Writer, can you please stop being rude. Love you, Princess."

"Aw, love you too. Basically, we're the time travelling space couple from a planet that burned. And you are?"

Then a man ran in, looking around, then his eyes fixed on us, mostly Sera in her low cut green peasant blouse and skin tight skinny jeans. "What the hell? It's a man and a woman. A man and a woman on Mars. How?"

"They were wearing these things. I have never seen anything like them." A Russian sounding girl said, holding up my orange spacesuit and then Sera's yellow. Really was lying about the green suit, I just liked to see her all annoyed, her new blue eyes went all light like sapphires sparkling in the sun.

"What did mission control say?"

"They're out of range for 10 hours because of the solar flares."

"If we could cut the chat everyone?" The leader asked, getting their attention.

"Actually, chat's second on my list, the first being gun pointed at my head." Sera smiled, standing up.

I sighed and took her hand. "Which then puts her head second and chat third, I think. Gun, head, chat, yeah."

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