4. Amidst the storm

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First of all, let me tell you guys, there might be some things that are written like... weirdly. Some pronouns might be wrong, some things probably won't make any sense, and the reason is because I am translating the story.
When it first got deleted, I searched for translations that had at least a lot of chapters translated, and I was lucky to find one that had the 41 chapters!!

So yeah, I am translating the chapters to English basically.
In case the story gets deleted, I will just post the chapters after chapter 10 (the last one Samine wrote on AO3). If that one also gets deleted, I will post all the chapters on AO3 and FF.

Y'all I feel like that pregnant woman who had a copy of Toy Story 2 lmao


The next morning, Camellia was awakened by the deafening sound of thunder outside her window. 

She gasped and jumped to her feet. She glanced at Hermione, who had jolted awake, sitting on the bed. 

"That scared the hell out of me..." said Cam to her friend, who had her eyes half-closed and her hair tousled. Hermione nodded still a little in a trance.

A sudden flash of lights briefly illuminated the room, causing her to gasp. 

"What time is it?"  Camellia asked.  Hermione stretched her arm towards Ginny's bedside table, where the clock was. 

"Half past five," she whispered,

Another deafening sound of thunder rattled the room.  The rain beating down on the roof was deafening, and the sheets of the shed were lashed by a violent wind.

"It looks horrible out there..." said Hermione as she watched the rain outside the window. 

"I wonder how long..." she paused mid-sentence to watch a drop of water fall from the ceiling into a huge puddle on the wooden floor. "Fuck—" Camellia exclaimed, jumping out of bed and running down the stairs in a hurry.  She didn't know the spell to stop a leak, and apparently neither did Hermione, as she ran after her a short time later.

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