6. The Weasleys Return

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Camellia was awoken the next morning by the sounds of someone walking across the creaky floor of the den. Her eyes fluttered open and she blinked in the sunlight, then looked up past the couch and saw Hermione in her pajamas, walking back from the kitchen. Hermione looked over and smiled as they made eye contact.

"Cami? What are you doing here?" she asked. "Did you sleep here last night?"

Camellia cleared her throat softly and began to answer, but she realized that her fingers were still interlaced with Fred's as he slept, and she didn't pull them away in time. Hermione's eyes wandered down and she gasped when she saw.

"I knew it!" she said in a whisper, absolutely beaming. "I knew there had to be something going on between you two!"

Camellia met her eyes. "I only spent the night to keep him company," she said quietly. Fred stirred slightly in his sleep, squeezing her hand as he did so and mumbling something too quietly for them to understand. Camellia felt her face growing warm, and Hermione smiled excitedly.

"That's so sweet !" she said. "You fancy each other! I knew it— George and I were talking yesterday, and—"

" George ?" Camellia interrupted in a harsh whisper.

"He approached me with it first, and I was so relieved— I was dying to talk to someone about it!" she explained. "We'd both been noticing little things separately, so we chatted a bit about it. No harm, and no one else knows."

Hermione smiled guiltily despite her reassuring words, and Camellia rolled her eyes, grinning.

"Yes, fine... I have a bit of a thing for Fred," she said casually. "And I think he might like me too, so hush before he wakes up and you ruin it. Oh, and don't tell George!"

She hoped she sounded honest enough, as she was quite certain that Fred must fancy her at least a little, considering... well, everything they'd been up to until now.

Hermione giggled quietly. "Fine, fine, I'll leave it. Isn't Angelina coming today to help Heal him?"

"Yeah, I think she is," Camellia said. "I really hope she comes soon. I'm so worried about him..."

She looked down at Fred and was suddenly struck with how beautiful he looked sleeping there. He had an angelic glow about him in the morning light, the sun illuminating every freckle on his handsome face and bouncing off his messy red hair like pure gold, and just as perfectly as such...

Her golden boy.

Camellia softly pulled her hand away from Fred's, making him shift slightly, and she stood and followed Hermione to the kitchen, where her friend immediately started up conversation again.

"Alright, now that we're away from him— you can't expect me not to talk to you about this! How long has this been going on? What's happened between you two?"

Camellia clenched her jaw. Obviously, there were a few small details she'd have to omit... like the one about them making out so heatedly in the middle of the night that he had to let off some steam... or jerking him off under the table right across from her and having to take it upstairs afterwards... or what he'd done with her on the bathroom counter only a day ago...

"W-We kissed the other night," she said simply, feeling her cheeks grow scarlet.

Hermione's beautiful brown eyes lit up. "Oh, my god !" she gasped. "How was it?"

The memory of Fred's deep groans and the feeling of his body pressed against hers flooded her mind. She could practically feel his strong hands on her waist again as she spoke. "He's amazing... better than I ever thought he'd be."

Golden Boy (Fred Weasley) +18Where stories live. Discover now