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Liam and Caleb sat across from one another in their kitchen. Their table matched the rest of the decor, a nice solid wood with high grain, swirling around in bold patterns, which gave it character. Caleb's back was to the main part of the kitchen, where sat a nice, modern, stainless steel sink. The counter was a lovely bespeckled dark granite, which accented the black refrigerator and microwave nicely. The cabinets were custom, made from the same solid wood as the table. Liam and Caleb enjoyed going antiquing from time to time, and had snagged some nice, ornate, wrought iron handles which matched the rustic feel of the place nicely.

Caleb found that he could no longer sit facing the sink anymore. Sitting next to it was a thick wooden cutting board. Any time he sat opposite, he could see in his mind's eye Liam standing there, preparing a meal. Specifically, he loved the way Liam would look over his shoulder as they talked, smiling. It made Caleb's heart ache, so he just stopped facing that way.

As such, Liam sat facing the sink. Periodically he scratched inside his ears. Frowning, he flicked his fingertips.

"ARGH! I got a bunch of spices in my ears."

Caleb couldn't help but chuckle. "Didn't that happen last time?"

"I suppose," Liam said, scratching and flicking some more which caused Caleb to make a face. "I guess I just didn't notice?"

"I'm sorry."

Liam stopped, looking surprised. Cocking his head slightly, he smiled sweetly. "Don't be. Not your fault."

"How's all that work, anyway?"

Liam blinked. "How's what work?"

Caleb gestured up and down. "Your body. You don't have to breathe, you just said you're having itching sensations but didn't previously."

Liam merely laughed. "I don't know! You're the necromancer!"

Caleb rose a finger, grinning. "Not a very good one."

"That's a matter of perspective, I think."

"How so?"

"Well," Liam said, leaning back and getting comfortable in the high back, suede black chair, "Don't you think if just anyone could do this there'd be a lot more zombies roaming around? No one wants to say goodbye to a loved one."

Caleb shuddered but forced a laugh. "You're not a zombie, Liam."

Liam pursed his lips into a thin line, drumming his fingers on the table. "Then what am I?"

Silence befell them. Caleb swallowed. Luckily only a few moments of the awkward silence waffed between them before Caleb's stomach growled loud enough for them both to hear. The tension was broken, Liam laughing and Caleb grinning in chagrin.

"When was the last time you ate?"

"Er, I d'no," Caleb replied, blushing slightly at his honesty.

Smiling, Liam got to his feet. "Please tell me besides the spices we used in the bathtub you've gone shopping?"

Caleb watched Liam walk by, a slight panic starting. "Y-yeah."

Liam opened the fridge and stooped over, then frowned. "Hmm. Not much to work with here, but I could whip something up for you."

As Liam began pulling out ingredients, Caleb leaped to his feet. "What? No, it's fine, you don't have to."

Putting a head of a lettuce and some tomatoes on the counter, Liam looked at him perplexed. "But I want to."

"Really," Caleb urged, feeling himself turn red as emotions slammed into him like a tidal wave, "I don't want to bother you."

Liam laughed, now pulling out lunch meat. "Babe, it's no bother. I was just going to throw together a sandwich."

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