Chapter 8

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Chapter Eight

          I gulped and answered the phone. I couldn’t do this now. In a way I felt guilty. I had just agreed to a date with Derek. Now I was about to break up with my boyfriend.  I sucked in a deep breath I would just have to spill the beans. There was no way around it. If I truly wanted to be happy I would have to let Jared go. He would eventually get over me and either be with a human or another mate less she-wolf.

“Whisp!” He shouted excitedly, “How’s my favorite girl?”

“Jared?” I whispered, “I need to tell you something.”

            I guess he didn’t want to hear me because he was so excited to be on the phone. He kept talking. “I miss you so much!  I can’t wait to see that beautiful face of yours. Did I tell you that my family and I got tickets to come visit you and your family?”

            My heart stopped. He got tickets? Just to come see me? Tears started brimming. I couldn’t help it. It felt like my heart as being ripped in two. I hated that I would have to tell him about Derek, but then again I was slightly excited to be seeing him.

“Jared, I don’t think that you want to see me.” I could just imagine him scrunching his eyebrows together in confusion. You had just told your girlfriend that you were getting tickets to see her and she doesn’t start screaming and jumping up and down in complete excitement over the phone.

“What are you talking about Whisper?”

            He only said my entire name if he was being serious or just wanting to tease me. I took a deep sigh and repeated myself. “I don’t think that you want to see me. You might want to get a refund on your plane tickets.”

“Umm…” He got quiet, “What’s wrong?”

“Jared…I-I found a mate.”

            I swear 2 minutes passed with complete silence before he just busted out laughing. I was taken aback. Why would he be laughing? I basically just told him that our relationship was over because I found my mate and he laughed about it?

            “Whisper, you found a new friend?” He chuckled. “That’s great and nothing to be worried about. Why are you making a deal about this?”

“Jared you don’t get-“ I started.

“Well what is it Whisper? Just come out with it already!” I could tell that he was getting irritated with me.

“I found my mate! My soul mate! The one person who I’m supposed to be with my entire life. The other half of me. My mate!”

            Complete silence was all I heard. There was no humming or laughing going on in the background. Just silence. I took the phone away from my ear for a split second. Maybe he got disconnected? I looked. Nope. He was still on the phone line. I still heard silence though. I couldn’t help but sigh.

“Jared. Listen I know you’re upset, but I’ve been trying to tell you for the longest, but you’ve been so busy lately. I wanted to tell you myself not in a text message or anything like that because that’s how I would want to be told if something like this ever happened to me. I know you’re upset but please say something. Anything.”

“I don’t know what to say Whisper.”

“I’m so sorry Jared. I don’t know what to say either.”

He sighed and I imagined him running his hands through his hair. I could hear his sad tone. “It just feels like the last little part of my heart is gone right now.”

            That did it. I just started bawling my eyes out. I couldn’t help it. Why did I feel so relieved that I could finally be with Derek without any distractions? I was supposed to be as heartbroken as he was.

“Whisper, stop crying. Please?” He asked in a soothing voice.

“Why should I stop crying when I feel like a complete jerk?”

“You can’t help that we weren’t destined to be with each other. It just wasn’t meant to be. I’ll be fine, eventually. You just need to live your life.”

I started to protest, “But you brought plane tickets and everything just to come see me.”

He gave a little chuckle. “Whisper, I’m still coming to see you regardless of whether you have a mate or not. I miss you and I really want to see you.”

“Are you sure?” I asked skeptically. I figured that it would be weird with me having found my mate and all that.

“Yes. I’m positive. Now I have to go. I have some pack things to tend to. Stay careful and if that mate of yours gives any problems you be sure to let me know because I’ll handle it.”

I sniffled, “I will. I’ll talk to you later. We’re still friends right?”

“Of course we are and I still love you. Always remember that.”

“I love you too…friend.”

“Yeah,” He paused, “friend.” I hung up the phone and rested my head on my steering wheel. At least l told him the truth. It felt like a big weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. I put my phone in my bag and drove home. After this day I would really need a break. I just wanted to go home and relax.

            When I got home I went straight up to my room and began undressing to put on my pajamas. I had just taken my shirt off when I heard someone clear their voice. I jumped back. I looked around the room with frantic wide eyes and finally my eyes landed on him, leaning against the wall with his arms folded. How could I not notice his scent? I guess I was too caught up in my thoughts with this whole Jared and breaking his heart business. Derek was still smirking at me. “Oh please continue. Don’t stop just because I’m here. I’m really enjoying the show.”

****Authors note: OMG. I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in FOREVER! Plus this chapter is kind of short too:/! School has really been kicking my butt with basketball practice, AP tests, and everything else! I'll try to update more quickly!****

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