Chapter 18

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*This is dedicated to @StarryOne because of her comment that she made on the last chapter. It made me laugh and smile and started my day off on a good read (LOL see what I did there? xD). So...this one goes out to you! It's comments like that that makes me want to write! SO, I updated earlier x]. Enjoy!*

Chapter Eighteen

Whisper POV

            I chuckled at Derek who I’m sure was feeling pretty annoyed just like I was probably even worse. I was a little relieved to be separated from Tia for a while. Boy could that girl talk! I did hate that Derek and I were interrupted though. I was really serious about saying I was ready to be marked. I wonder if Michael hadn’t interrupted when he did if Derek would have marked me right then and there. That would have been awkward though. I mean I didn’t want everyone to witness us creating the special life long bond.

Whatever had interrupted us probably was very important. I debated to myself whether or not I should follow Derek. I mean I was soon to be Luna so why should I be left out? My wolf was urging me to follow Derek so I did.

 I waited until he was a couple of steps ahead of me and followed him through the pack house. While I was following him, I noticed all of the different elements of the house. I already knew that the women of the pack had decorated it because of the colors. There were neutral colors that were mixed in with the hardwood furniture and floors. Pretty soon, he and Michael were heading down this long hallway.

I waited until they shut the door and used my wolf hearing to try to listen to the conversation. I couldn’t hear anything. Crap, it must be soundproof doors. I rolled my eyes. I hated these things. Wolves had very good hearing but even we couldn’t hear through these types of doors. I scowled to myself. Now how in the world was I supposed to hear what was going on?

I was making my way back outside sulking whenever my sandal got caught in a vent. I tumbled down onto the floor. Crap! I looked over towards the door hoping and praying that they wouldn’t hear me and open it. I reached down to untangle the strap of my sandal from the doors of the vent.

 “Stupid vent.” I mumbled.

And that’s when it hit me. Vents! I could listen through this vent. I pressed my ear against the vent and smiled in victory when I could hear their voices. It wasn’t that loud but I could still hear some parts. I listened in closely.

 “What is it?” Derek asked impatiently. I could just imagine him crossing his arms and the mini frown lines that would appear on his face.

 I chuckled quietly to myself. Sometimes he was such a big baby. It’s not like he wasn’t going to see me ever again. I bet his wolf wasn’t making it any better and was complaining the entire time. I shook my head and continued to listen in.

There was a pause and I’m guessing that Michael was still debating on whether or not he should tell Derek about the situation. I could hear a faint tapping noise which was probably Derek’s foot tapping impatiently.  I heard Michael take a deep breath. Oh my gosh! Would you just come out with it?!

“We found a lead to the unknown scent.”

I gasped loudly. An unknown scent? Who in the world could it be? Maybe it was a rogue wolf that had ran away from his pack and was scared to come and admit it. I shook that idea from my head. Normally, if it was a rogue wolf then the pack scouters would normally find him pretty quickly and question it.

“Good,” I heard Derek say. “Who do you think it could be?”

“I’m not sure, but we for sure know that it’s somebody who’s not from around this area. You know you banned the members of this pack not to mask their scent. I know it’s nobody within here. Plus, not many know how to do it anyways. Why would someone come in the territory without alerting anyone?”

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