Chapter 14

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**Since Spring Break is almost here - I decided to go ahead and post this chapter! It's like my present to you guys! Enjoy :}!**

Chapter Fourteen

Today was the day. The day of what exactly? The first football game of the season. My body stretched and moved along with me as I got out of my bed. Over the last few days the game was all that the entire school was talking about. Teachers didn’t give out as much work because they apparently didn’t want the football players fizzled out. I sure wasn’t complaining. The less work the better. The Red Wolves were crazy about their football. Yesterday while I was in the library I had looked in past yearbooks because I was curious of the school’s history.

 I mostly flipped through the pages to see the names of some of the students that use to go to the school. Flipping to the football spread, I wasn’t expecting to find a picture of nine guys with RED WOLVES spelled out on their chest. Each boy had a different colored letter painted on. I was so shocked that I had started laughing and quickly had to cover it up before I got kicked out for being a disruption. Some girl heard me laughing about it and she just smiled.

I guess she figured out that I was a new kid because when she asked me about the howling of the wolves I looked at her with a completely blank face. Apparently, every time a touchdown was scored the crowd let out a massive howl. Ironic, but it’s a tradition that has been going on for years. Why should they stop now?

Besides finding out some information about football, it was fun reading about the history of the school. I didn’t even know that it was a historical site. When it was first built it was a huge court building. Rulings were basically held every day. Eventually when wolves started moving here from other towns, the founder’s just decided to remodel it and make it into a school to provide kids with an education. It was actually built in 1908.

 After I found out how old the school was I kind of felt bad for kicking the wall that one time in the hallway. Keywords: kind of. It seemed that every single teacher wanted to give homework on the same day. It didn’t help that fact that all of the homework would take an hour each just to complete. I was so upset I needed something to take my anger out on. The wall just so happened to be in the way. I’m pretty sure you can guess what happened from there. 

  I walked over to my closet scrunching up my nose. I would have to wear the stupid cheerleading outfit all day today. It wasn’t even long enough for me, well, in my opinion. I would just have to make sure not to bend down in front of anyone. This seemed like my best option. I showered and put the uniform on. Afterwards, typing my hair in a loose ponytail and adding a polka dotted bow to it. I did a spin in the mirror to double check my outfit. I shrugged, I looked decent enough. Collecting my books and my backpack, I made my way out of the room. I climbed down the stairs and went to sit on the chair that was behind the island of the kitchen.

“No Marie! Don’t do it! He didn’t do it! He still loves you! Don’t believe that two timing backstabber! Ooh God!” She yelled at the television.

I rolled my eyes. For as long as I could remember she had always been like this when watching soap operas. Especially when she was watching her favorite one, Howling for Love. She was alwaysyelling at the TV somehow hoping that the characters would somehow hear her. I remembered when she didn’t even like soap operas. The house was so quiet. That all changed after Grandma introduced Howl for Love to her.  When Grandma stopped shifting into her wolf and retired from her job she didn’t have anything else to do in her free time. So, she made it her mission to do something productive with her time.

She started watching soap operas and saw some of the other older ladies sewing and knitting things for their children and grandchildren. I guess that’s where she got the brilliant idea of sewing and making her own clothing because before I knew it her house was jam packed with cloths and different types of material. She seriously became addicted to the TV and Mom wasn’t too far along behind her.

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