Chapter 16

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Chapter Sixteen *Dedicated to @Wanderluhst for the awesome new cover!*

I looked up from the hiding place in between Derek’s shoulders and looked at the stadium. Everyone was still looking at me. My guess was that they still couldn’t believe that their Alpha had finally found his mate. I could hear the whispers of everyone going around me.

Who is she?

 I think her name is Whisper or something like that.

She’s pretty.

Isn’t she the new wolf that came here with her family from Ohio?

I want to meet her.

Aww man…I was going to ask her out on a date!

I heard Derek growl a little at the last statement and I rolled my eyes. I sighed.

“Are you embarrassed of me?”

My head jerked up to meet his eyes. Embarrassed? I was in complete shock. Did he really think that I was embarrassed of him? It was like impossible. He was almost perfect in every way.

“Derek, why would I be embarrassed of you? You’re like perfect.” I repeated my thoughts aloud.

He put his hands on my waist. “It’s just that from the first time I actually saw you and talked to you, I thought you were going to let me mark you right then and there. Plus, you didn’t want anybody to see us together or anything. I just wanted to know if I was a bad mate or something.”

“Derek you are not a bad mate. I’m lucky to have you. You are a strong person to have to basically govern over a hundred people a day. I mean you’re basically a king. I don’t know…I’m just scared. I don’t think I’ll be able to lead anyone. I mean look at me. I’m not Luna material.” I replied.

He grabbed my chin gently forcing me to look into his eyes. “You’ll be perfect Luna material. The pack will love you. That I can promise. So will you please go with me to a barbeque that we’re going to have at the pack house tomorrow night?”

“Barbeque? You just told me that you were going to introduce me to everyone. You didn’t mention anything about that.”

“I figured that you didn’t like gatherings like that.”

I mumbled to myself. He was right. I never did like stuff like that. Every time we had one back in Ohio I would just fade into the background. Normally, with my friends.

“So…your answer?”

I sighed, “Sure but you better not leave me alone with anybody or else I’m going to get you.”

“Is that a promise?” He winked.

I socked him in the arm rolling my eyes, “Shut up Derek.”

He smirked, “You know you love me.” He looked over my shoulder. “I’m going to go ahead and get changed now. I’ll text you later on tonight. I think there are a few people that would like to talk to you.”

 I turned around to find my parents behind me. Derek let go of my waist and he glanced at my Dad before walking off. Dad kept his eyes trained solely on me. I just knew he was going to be upset with me for not telling him that Derek was my mate. I mean I’d be mad too if my daughter didn’t tell me if she found the person she was meant to spend the rest of her life with. I was about to open up my mouth to explain before Dad enveloped me in one of the biggest bear hugs of my life. I pulled back and looked at his face trying to scout out a hint of disapproval.

“Dad, you’re not mad at me?”

“How could I be mad when my daughter is a Luna? I always knew that you had that spirit in you. I wish you had of told me sooner. See, I told your Mom and your Grandma that you would most likely find your mate down here. I wasn’t having those dreams for nothing. It pays to follow your heart.”

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