Chapter 44

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Royse groaned as he covered his eyes from the light that passed through the windows. He sat up on his bed and gazed at the view.

He could hear the birds chirp and the trees rustle.

A sigh escaped his lips.

"Spring, what a fitting season..." He murmurs. Checking the time, he stood from his bed.

Maids soon entered his room to prepare him for the day. A few went to the bathroom to prepare the tub while some prepared his outfit.

When the water was at the right temperature, the maids exited the bathroom to give privacy to Royse.

The redhead thanked the maids as he entered and closed the door. He walked towards the middle and removed his clothes. After that, he dipped inside the foamy bath and sighed at the temperature.

"Enter." He announced.

Maids opened the door and entered one by one and took the necessities to start their task. One scrubbed his hair while another wiped his arms and legs.

"Would you like a massage after?" She asks.

"Yes, that would be great." He replies.

Royse closed his eyes as he allowed the maids to focus on their job. It didn't take long for them to finish.

He dried himself and wrapped a towel over his lower area before walking towards a bed for his massage.

As he lay on his front, he hears the bottle of oil opening and felt the cold liquid pour on his back.

He sighed when the maid started massaging him, releasing the tension in his muscles.

A sweet smell soon circulated in the room. He knew it must've come from the oil.

When the massage was finished, his body was then applied with oil-based perfume.

Finally done, Royse stood from the bed and wore a bathrobe. He exited the bathroom and sat on the vanity desk.

A maid started fixing his hair.

"Young Master's hair is absolutely beautiful." She comments as she became mesmerized by how silky it was. "I'm glad you decided to grow it out."

The redhead smiled. "Aneki says the same. I don't mind trying something different for a change."

The maids giggled. "Indeed, the young lady loves playing with the young master's hair."

Royse sighed. He knew his sister was jealous. As he grew older, the blessing from Cilena continued to take effect and made his body glow. Not only that, but it also made his hair thick and silky.

Rohesia would compliment him but he knew behind those eyes were jealousy as she played with his locks.

He already accepted that fact but it still made him irritated from time to time.

Still, a blessing was a blessing, despite seeming like a curse.

"Well then, how would you like your hair to be styled?" The maid asks.

Royse smiled. "Since it's a special day, I don't mind for something different."

Everyone's eyes sparkled.

"Then I know just the thing! I'm sure it would suit young master very well with his outfit!"

Maids nod their heads as they became excited about dressing him up. Usually, Royse tended to choose simple styles. It was rare for him to allow maids to dress him up to their liking.

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