Chapter Ten- Surprises

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✉ I hope you enjoy! 

Aizawa's POV:

The sun had risen, and the underground hero realized that he had gone another night without sleep. He rubbed his dry eyes with a sigh.

Aizawa turned out of the ally he was in and started walking along the sidewalk in search of a place that was open and sold coffee. He decided he'd get the strongest coffee he could, head back to his apartment, change, and head to UA.

It may be summer break for the students, but the staff at UA still needed to work during the summer and not just as heroes, but also as teachers. Aizawa had thankfully finished all of the grading that needed to be done, by that he means all of Hizashi's left over grading. The man was loud, forgetful, and all-around eccentric but Aizawa had to admit Hizashi was his favorite colleague.

Aizawa expelled all of the kids in his homeroom last year, so he didn't have much to grade during the summer. Still, he had to make sure his co-workers didn't slack off and double check that everything was ready for next year.

Maybe while he was at UA he'd talk to the rat about Atlas.

Izuku's POV:

Izuku had gotten to work at 10am, he had gotten to the library at 9:15am and he and Eri stayed until 9:45 when they rushed to make it to the cafe for his shift. Eri sat under the front counter, reading a book she had checked out from the library. Occasionally when nobody else was in the cafe she would tug on the leg of his pants and whisper to him in excitement about random things.

Eri preferred books about animals and found it fun to share the new things she learned with Izuku. Sometimes she'd find a book on plants that interested her, or a book on stars, but for some reason she didn't like fiction books very much.

"Did Granny really say she had a surprise for us?" Eri asked from under the counter.

"I-I think so." He replied, popping his knuckles nervously.

A head popped out of the door to the backroom, startling Izuku. It was one of the two other employees who also happened to be twins. 

"Yeah, mom thinks you're pretty rad, so she wanted to surprise you. She won't be in til a bit later though." Akemi said with a grin, showing off his pointy teeth.

Izuku gave the man a hesitant smile, showing that he understood and received another toothy smile in return.

Granny had a son and a daughter; they were twins, but they were nothing alike. The only things they really had in common was that they both worked at their mom's cafe, and that they were both twenty-one.

Anzu was tall with short blonde hair floating around her head as if blown by an invisible wind. She had green eyes and was shy and quiet like Izuku, Anzu wasn't very good at working the register and preferred to make the drinks. Out of the two she was the busiest and wasn't able to work at the cafe often.

Akemi had long black hair that he loudly bragged about, letting it fall in loose ringlets onto his shoulders. He was rather short, much to his chagrin but made up for it in his over-the-top personality. Akemi tended to carry the conversations he tried to have with Izuku, always flashing his shark like teeth when he laughed.

Akemi scared Izuku.

The bell on the door rang, making Izuku and Akemi turn their heads towards the two teens entering the cafe. Akemi sent Izuku another smile and went to man the register so Izuku wouldn't have to speak to the strangers.

The two teens ordered a small mocha and a medium latte, which got Akemi chattering away while Izuku worked on getting the two drinks put together. Eri watched him pour the coffee into the two cups, she had always wondered how he made it look so easy.

Izuku finished pouring the espresso into the cups then added chocolate and steamed milk to the small mocha and topped the medium latte off with steamed milk. He quickly passed the two drinks to Akemi who patted him on the back. Hard.

Izuku suppressed the urge to cough and focused his energy on maintaining a straight face while he wiped his hands on his apron.

He knew Akemi meant the best, but the man wasn't very good at picking up social clues and ended up plowing through conversations with loud words and rough shows of affection.

The boy would never tell the man this though, because he was scared of the consequences.

"Have a splendiferous day!" Akemi called after the two, waving enthusiastically.

He turned to Izuku with a mischievous grin, making the younger boy take a step back on instinct. Izuku schooled his expression to hide his terror and slid himself between Akemi and Eri.

"One of those girls totally had a crush on you." The man cooed, wiggling his eyebrows up and down with a sly smirk.

Izuku stared at Akemi with a confused look. He knew Akemi wouldn't hurt him, and yet those instincts were still there at the back of Izuku's brain, telling him to run every time somebody new entered the cafe. Or to brace for impact when somebody gets too close to him. Or to clamp his teeth down onto his tongue to keep himself from speaking. He had squished his habit of muttering after a few of his classmates had.... told him it was annoying.

"O-oh." Izuku answered blankly.

"Oh? Thats it? No other reaction? Damn, I owe Anzu another ten bucks." Akemi straightened up, now it was his turn to be confused, wrinkling his nose in thought before a look of realization flashed across his face.

"Never mind. Good work with those orders, man. You're a coffee making machine!" Akemi laughed loudly, shooting him a thumbs up before walking into the backroom.

Izuku watched him go, letting out a relieved sigh.

"Izu? I finished the book." Eri hesitantly tugged at his sleeve to get his attention.

"Thats awes-awesome! Was it good?" Izuku asked her, grabbing her hand gently and leading her around the counter so he could sit her at a table.

"So good! Did you know pangolins are the only scaled mammal in the world?" Eri held onto the book with excitement.

"I didn't, that r-really does sound co-cool. Do you want t-to color now?" Izuku offered her one of his rare genuine smiles.

"Yeah! I'm gonna draw a pangolin named Elias!" She cheered, sitting down at the table closest to the counter.

"Heh. Y-you do th-that." Izuku patted her head

Suddenly the bell on the door jingled, Izuku looked up.

"W-welcome to Den's Cafe, H-how can I he-help you today?" Izuku asked, hurriedly rushing behind the counter to take the man's order.


Over a thousand words!

I hope you enjoyed, it was fun to write, and thank you so, so, SOOOOOOOOOOOO, much for almost 200 views!

Seriously can't express how happy this makes me :)

(Akemi and Anzu are my OCs for the story!)

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