Chapter Seventeen-Tis but a scratch

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Izuku's POV

Izuku pushed the door to the bus open, the effort sending him into a coughing fit. He didn't bother to close the door behind him, instead barely managing to stagger up the bus's steps before collapsing.

"Izuku?" A quiet, hesitant voice called from the corner of the bus.

But Izuku didn't hear her, he was too puzzled over the black spots dancing over his vision. In his delirium he giggled and somewhere in a distant part of his mind he knew he had lost too much blood.

"Izu? Oh no- Izu are you awake?" Small hands clutched onto the back of Izuku's hoodie and shook him, the blood in his hair had matted a large section against his head.

"Izu, please answer!" He vaguely recognized this voice, though the answer seemed to get farther and farther away the closer he got to unconsciousness. 

"Please" Whoever was shaking hi had managed to flip him over, jolting him back to the waking world just enough to finally recognize Eri.

"Don't leave me-" Eri's plea was almost unintelligible through the sobs and sniffling. "Tell me you'll be okay- don't leave me." Her face was streaked with tears and her hair was sticking up at an awkward angle- 'she must have been sleeping, she has such bad bedhead'.

Izuku thought, if he wasn't so tired, he might have laughed.

"I don't want to be alone again, Izu." Eri's face was disappearing again, Izuku felt his head roll to the side and his breathing grow shallower.

"I'm-" Izuku didn't realize it was him that was talking, "Ok." He wheezed out, finally letting his tensed body go limp as he slipped out of consciousness. 

Eri's POV

Eri was so, so very scared.

She didn't know if she ever wouldn't be. Her terror sent violent shivers down her spine every time she looked over at her brother's sleeping form in his beanbag.

It had taken her forever to convince herself that he wasn't dead, and even longer to wash the blood off and try to bandage him up. 

She had no idea what to do about the large chunk of missing flesh from Izuku's outer thigh. Or the large areas of swollen bruising that had blossomed over Izuku's torso. Or what the dried blood around Izuku's nose meant. She didn't even want to think about the blistering burns covering the entirety of his back, creeping over his shoulders and peeking around to his front in some places.

Eri did her best though, she kept telling herself that her brother needed her help. She refused to stop even after she had to run outside to puke while cleaning his wounds. She didn't know how to help him. But she did her best.

She heated up the cans of chicken soup that Izuku had stocked up on recently and carefully spoon fed him the broth. She tried her best to rewrap his wounds every other day. It was the only reason she kept track of time now.

It had been two weeks since he came back really late one night and collapsed, she hadn't left the bus, and Izuku had only woken up twice. Both times he was delirious and passed back out once he knew she was ok.

 He had started to feel hot to the touch yesterday and was sweating bullets despite having no blankets on. The food they had slowly started to hoard for their rainy days was almost gone, Eri knew that Izuku's boss told him he could stop by for some left-over pastries whenever he wanted, but that was being saved as a last resort.

However, when she started the now routine act of cleaning Izuku's bandages she noticed with dread the green edges of the wound on his thigh and that the burns on his back were more swollen and tinted purple

Izuku had always told her that he didn't need help, that accepting help from adults was always dangerous. But this was the last straw.

Everything Eri was trying wasn't working, she knew he needed a doctor, she knew that he would be mad when he woke up, she knew but she couldn't bring herself to feel guilty about what she was going to do next.

She wrote on a sticky note 'I'll be back soon- #1 Eri' hoping her messy handwriting was legible before sticking it on the floor next to Izuku.

Eri raced out of their hidden home, after what she was about to do, they would never be safe there again. She hoped Izuku would forgive her, but even if he didn't it would be worth it if she could find somebody to held him.

A couple people tried to get her to stop running as she passed them on the sidewalk, but she knew what she had to do. She knew there was no more time to waste.

Just as Eri's breathing began to come in quick gasps she spotted her destination from her poor viewing spot in the crowd.

Her bare feet had been scraped and she could tell they were probably bleeding- but she didn't care right now. Without a second of hesitation, she shoved the familiar door open and the soft ringing off the bell signaled her arrival.

Four pairs of eyes turned to her, and shock flashed across each of their faces in unison.

"Izuku needs your help." 




Oh wow, I am so tired. It is finals week and I'm about to be moving three states away so all I want to do is collapse in a pile on the floor XD

Sorry this chapter sucks so bad :/ It's really short too oof I need to step up my game. I had terrible writers' block and finally decided to just write something in the hopes of getting rid of it.

Word count: 902

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