Chapter Eleven- Cake

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I'm trying to decide if I should add a ship, and if I do which one would it be? So many choices. 


Izuku glanced to Eri, who had found paper and was drawing.
"Th-that's Eri. S-she's all-allowed to be h-here." Izuku attempted to reassure the customer.

The man hadn't walked to the counter yet, so Izuku forced himself to look at him. He felt himself tense, his friends at school hated it when he looked at them. Izuku gritted his teeth and finally managed to drag his eyes up to meet the man's.

Aizawa's POV

The kid obviously recognized Aizawa, his eyes had briefly widened in panic. But before that his eyes had darted around as if he was scared to look at him. 

What was up with this kid? Aizawa couldn't read his body language, the only thing that seemed to show any form of expression was his eyes.

"How much is a black coffee?" He asked with a sigh, walking towards the counter.

He decided he'd calm the boy down before asking any questions. The boy glanced between Aizawa and the girl- Eri, who was happily drawing on a long scrap of receipt paper.

"A-about two d-dollars and se-seventy cents." The teen answered, watching Aizawa warily now that he was closer to the counter.

"Then just make me one of those." Aizawa put four dollars onto the counter, then turned and sat at a table in the corner of the room.

The boy's name tag read 'Izuku' so maybe Izu was just a nickname? The girl that seemed to accompany him wherever he went had called him Izu and Izuku had just referred to the girl as Eri.

Aizawa ran his fingers through his long black hair, he was exhausted and was dreading having to look through his 158 messages. All but two were from Hizashi. 

"Izu." A soft voice called to get the boys attention.

 Aizawa looked up, Eri had gotten down from the table and was holding the paper up for the boy to examine. Izuku glanced down while pouring the coffee, giving her a thumbs up and a small twitch of his mouth. 

'Was that supposed to be a smile?' Aizawa thought curiously, watching Izuku place the cup of coffee onto the counter and slap a lid on it 

Izuku stepped carefully around Eri who had moved to the floor behind the counter and was drawing on another paper. He made his way over to the table Aizawa was sitting at and carefully set the cup of coffee in front of him.

"Thank you." Aizawa nodded at the boy "Cute kid, is she your sister?" He added after taking a sip of the coffee.

He didn't have time to savor the perfectly brewed coffee, because he noticed the boy's shoulders tense ever so slightly.

"Y-y-yes, our parents a-are busy, so I-I had to w-watch her." Izuku answered hesitantly. 

Aizawa glanced to the girl who had stopped coloring and was peering around the counter to stare warily at him.

"Do your parents know about what you pulled at that corner store?" He asked, taking another sip of his coffee and watching the greenette carefully for a reaction.

Izuku nodded "I-I got s-scolded f-for sl-slipping away f-fr-from you." He shifted on his feet as if embarrassed "Sorry a-about your sc-scarf." He added quickly.

"Don't worry about it kid, I'm probably not supposed to say this but what you did was really impressive." Aizawa admitted, taking note of the increased number of stutters in his reply.

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