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"Stupid locker." I mumble to myself because my combination didn't work the first time. "I can help you." A really tall boy blurts out, he sounds nervous. I hand him my combination, "17-13-11. Great combo you'll never forget it." He says excitedly, i furrow my eyebrows, "Descending prime numbers." He finishes, I smile, "I love math." He blushes and opens my locker.

"Thank you," "Cameron." He finishes for me, "Cameron," I smile, "I'm Sadie." "You're new here?" He says as I put my stuff away, "Yes, my family just moved here from Ohio. If you see two of me, it's okay I have a twin sister, Bianca. I'm the shorter one." He stares at me then smiles, "Cool." I nod, "Well, if you need any directions or class advice or cpr, I am certified!" I close my locker, "Thanks a lot." I take my locker combo gently from him, he's so hot.

The first half of school goes by pretty good, people are so nice here. Bianca and I have one class together but that's okay, I see her at home anyway. I find Bianca to tell her about my crush, "B!" I call to her as I'm almost running at her, "What happened Sade?" She holds my hands, "I like a boy!" I basically giggle, she smiles, "Who!" "He's really tall, his name is Cameron, his locker is right next to mine and he helped me and oh my goodness I love him!" Bianca and I begin jumping up and down, excitedly.

"Go you!" Bianca says, "But guess what!" She says as we walk to biology. "Hm?" "Kat got in trouble already." My eyes widen, "Dad is going to be livid!" Kat is our older sister, she's a senior and we are sophomores.

After class it's time for lunch, Bianca is too worried about being popular and ditches me, I sit at the table and open my biology book to take some notes, we already have a quiz this week! Bianca sits down at my table with the most popular girl in school, Chastity. "O M G there's two of you? You have to try out for cheerleading! And" she looks at me up and down, "I love your outfit!" It's similar to hers, I'm wearing a spaghetti strap Burberry dress with a white short sleeve underneath to avoid dress code violations, but it looks cute not tacky, with white converse to accent the small red details. "Thank you." She begins to just talk to Bianca.

Bianca and I are almost the exact same except for when it comes to social status and school. She craves popularity when I just like to have a few friends that I hang out with, it prevents drama.

The day finishes and Bianca is dragging me to cheer tryouts, "Bianca, I don't want to cheer!" "Please, Sade." She pouts, "I'll go with you but I'm not trying out." She rolls her eyes and pulls me into the gym.

These girls suck, no one can tumble. "Isn't the whole point of being a tumbler, being able to tumble?" I ask Bianca out loud, Chastity hears me, "You can do better?" I nod, "With my dress on." I stand up and do a full out back handspring round off into a back tuck and stick my landing. "Not hard." Chastity seems impressed, "Enough." She calls out, "Sit sit sit everyone sit. The list will be posted tomorrow, not everyone will make it that's the point of try outs not sign ups. Good luck!"

Bianca and I walk out together under Chastity comes to talk to us, "Having twins on the team will be so aesthetically pleasing." "I don't want to cheer." I defend myself, "But you're amazing! You have to we clearly need tumblers. Also, you two are both small enough to fly, I'm the main flyer and having two twins on my sides would look a-ma-zing." Bianca holds my arm, "Please, sissy." I sigh, "Fine."

As soon as I give in, Kat pulls up, "Ugh, this girl, she's number 1, 5, and 8 of the things I hated about today." Bianca and I look at each other, eyes wide. Bianca starts signaling Kat to go away, "Yeah, dad will kill us if we're not home for dinner, let's go." We both get in, Bianca is not happy about it.

We get home and immediately sit down for dinner, since it's already 5:45, "You've ruined my chances at being popular!" Bianca softly yells at Kat, "I'm sorry but that girl sucks! She's a teenage Kim Jong-un!" "Speak English!" Bianca yells as our dad puts down our plates, "Thank you." I say softly to him as they argue, he winks at me.

"The dictator! Of North Korea!" Kat says "North Korea so what! I'm talking about our high school, where I'm going to become unpopular! My life isn't worth living." Bianca almost cries, "You live will still be worth living! You act like-" "Enough." My dad says as he sits down. "Bianca, honey look, Kat's right. Sometimes you get a little obsessed with popularity, just keep things in perspective that's all." He taps her hands softly, "May I be excused?" Bianca asks, "Already? That's a record." Bianca stands up and grabs her salad going up to our room.

Bianca and I share a room, we always have and we choose to.

I'm silent all of dinner, my dad would kill me if he found out I liked a boy, so I decide not to share about my day. Kat talks up a storm so it wouldn't be that hard to stay quiet.

"Popular boys want to have s-e-x with popular girls." I look up at my dad, "What about nerdy boys?" I hint at Cameron, "Boys are boys honey but popular boys are worse." I nod and continue to eat my pasta.

It's 9:30, I'm in bed, Bianca is getting ready for a party tonight, "Sadie, come with me." She begs, "No, I'm tired and dad will kill us." "Come on, what if Cameron is there?" She tries to get me, "I don't think he's a party kind of guy." I sit up, "Look, if he's there, call me. Then I'll come." She sighs, "Fine." She walks out of the room.

Shortly after, Kat comes in, "Take the drive with me, if I'm going down we're all going." I slam my hands down on my bed and sit up, "I hate sisters." I pull the covers off me revealing my pink silk pajamas. I grab a little black tight dress with my black velvet ankle strap heels, just incase. I put on slippers and grab a sweater walking outside with Kat and Bianca.

We drop Bianca off, she immediately comes running out, "Sadie! It's Cameron's party." My eyes widen, "Let's go!" I look to Kat, she nods her head, "Go ahead." I quickly get dressed in the back of the car, taking my hair out of the bun leaving it down and curly, "Am I okay? Bed head?" I ask Bianca, "No, let's go!" I walk in the party, "Wow, there is two of you." Cameron says, I nod, "This is my sister Bianca." I introduce them, she waves, "I have to find Chastity." She says and walks away.

"Your house is nice." I compliment, "Thanks, I have a gay uncle who loves decorating." He says as I walk with him. "So, what made you throw a party." I ask him as we walk in the backyard. "Well, to get you here." I furrow my eyebrows, "Really?" He nods, "Cameron, I'm not a party girl. My sister is." I chuckle, "Oh, I'm sorry." He chuckles nervously.

"Sadie. We have to go." Bianca comes to me, she looks annoyed. "I'll see you tomorrow Cameron." I get up and follow Bianca, "What happened?" I say as we get in the car, "Chastity's boyfriend and I have chemistry together, the class, and we accidentally ended up into the closet. It looks bad but we were just talking and honestly Chastity doesn't appreciate how gorgeous he is! She's mad at him because he's not starting and wants to be a model. HE'S SO GORGEOUS!" Bianca rants.

"B, you like him." Kat and I both say, "I do but that's Chastity's boyfriend! That definitely will make me unpopular." "Not her boyfriend for long, she only dates starting QBs." Kat scoffs.

The next day, Bianca looks depressed. We get to school and we walk passed the cheer roster, "Bianca! I think I've been too hard on you, I'll give you a second chance." Bianca gets excited, "I'm a cheerleader?" She gets excited, "No, you're the mascot. Your sister is a cheerleader." My eyes widen, "No no I can't." Bianca grabs my arm, "It's okay." She smiles at Chastity, "Thank you."

I walk sadly to my locker, "What's wrong?" Cameron asks, "Well, my sister didn't make them cheer team, she's just the penguin mascot." I start, "Oof." I nod, "But, I made the team. I don't even want to cheer, I only did it for Bianca. And I'm not trading places with her because that penguin head smells like a field of armpits." He chuckles.

"I can't even be on the cheer team, I need to focus on French. I can't get the hang of it." I complain, "I can teach you." Cameron offers, "Really?" I smile up at him and he starts speaking French, "I have no idea what you said but it sounded good." We smile at each other, "Tomorrow, my place?" He says, I nod, "See you tomorrow." I smile and walk away.

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