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"Kat, have you seen my-" I stop once I enter her room and see her making out with Patrick Verona, I smirk, "Is this the infamous Patrick Verona!? Hi I'm Sadie!" I smile at him. He smirks and looks at Kat, "So you talk about me." Kat glares, "Don't tell Dad!" I shake my head, "I wouldn't just don't let-" before I finish Bianca walks in, "You're in so much trouble if dad finds out." She laughs, "Exactly, so don't tell him."

"Girls! Emergency! Where are you?" Our dad screams. Kat scrambles to get Patrick out, our dad bursts through Kat's door, "There's a brush fire, the whole neighborhood is evacuating to the school, let's go!"

We were all in pajamas; I in a pink satin sleep tank and matching tiny shorts, Bianca in her cupcake pajama set, and Kat in a mixed matching navy shirt and green purple plaid pants. I feel so exposed, I need to find Cameron.

I have my arms crossed in front of my chest as I push past everyone with troubled faces. I finally found Cameron and I run into his embrace. "Sadie, you must be freezing!" He says as he wraps me with a blanket, I nod, "Thank you, Cammy." I sit on his lap and cuddle him, "You look very cute in your pjs." He smiles at me, I smile up at him, "I love your Star Wars." I giggle, he blushes.

"Is this the boy?" My dad says to me, "Oh no." I get off Cameron, "Yes, daddy, this is Cameron." My dad smiles, "Nice to meet you." They say at the same time as they shake hands, "No go away." I push my dad away gently then go back to cuddle Cameron.

After awhile it hits me, my mom's stuff is all over my house. My mother died 7 years ago, all I have left to remember her was her stuff, now it could be gone.

Cameron notices my discomfort, "What's wrong?" He rubs my back as I explain what happened, he holds me every tight and close.

All of a sudden Cameron focuses on the news, "Oh no." He says under his breath, "What's wrong?" He sets me to the side gently, "I have to find Michael! It's important." He bolts off and I follow him.

"Michael!" Cameron yells once he spots him, "You see all the chicks? Looking for a shoulder to cry on." Cameron groans, "Shut it. Remember the rocket we launched out of my backyard yesterday?" I tilt my head because I thought they didn't ever hang out, "We made up he's been my friend since kindergarten." He quickly explains them refocuses, "The news said it most likely was caused by HOMEMADE pyrotechnics." Cameron explains, Michael looks confused, "Fire works.. flares.. MODEL ROCKETS!" Michaels eyes widen as Cameron explains, "Did we start the fire?" Michael exclaims, "The rocket never came down." Cameron responds.

The boys are silent for a minute, "Cameron James! I told you Michael is no good!" I yell softly at him, "If my mom's stuff is gone forever, I'll personally kill both of you." I walk away almost in tears to find Bianca.

I check the room where the cheerleaders were suppose to and find Bianca yelling at Chastity. Chastity is almost in tears as she runs out of the room. I start clapping, "Go Bianca!" She falls into an embrace, hugging me tightly. "I'm proud of you B." She looks at me, "Are you sure it was the right thing?" She questions, "Absolutely." Bianca smiles at me. I look past her out the window to see Cameron walking over to security with his wrists out. I roll my eyes, "I'll be back."

I run over to Cameron, "Cameron! Stop." I pull him away from the confused security guard, "Sadie, I feel so guilty. It's my fault, your mom's stuff could potentially be gone forever because of me." He almost breaks down in tears. I sigh and sit him down, "Cammy. I'll admit, I'm not happy with you for going that. But, it was an accident. Don't potentially go to jail for 5 to 10 years for an accident." I comfort him, he still looks sad, "Besides, we can just blame it on Michael." I joke to lighten the mood, it works, he cracks a smile.

"Hey, by the way, you didn't cause the fire. Some kids smoking up in the hills did. They already caught them." The security guard says. Cameron has a big sigh of relief, "Thank god it wasn't me." I rub his back, "See, you'll be okay." I rest my head on his chest, "But still your stuff." I shake my head, "Let's not think about it."

Cameron and I are silent until about 20 minutes later it's announced the fire has been contained and no damage has been done, "Cammy! My stuff is safe!" We both get excited, "I love you." He says as he looks deeply into my eyes, "I love you too." He kisses me, "I'll see you tomorrow." I smile up at him, "See you tomorrow Cammy." We go our separate ways and I go find my dad.

First I find Kat, holding a box of vinyls, "Patrick?" I question, she nods. Bianca walks over wearing Chastity's clothes, "You apologized?" I question annoyed, she nods. Then our dad walks over, very drunk. He hands Kat the keys and we go home, safely.

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