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I'm sitting at the lunch table with Cameron and his best friend, Michael, he's a little weird but it's fine.

"Have you guys kissed yet." He's basically on the edge of his seat, almost twitching, "Um, yeah." I furrow my eyebrows as I answer, "Don't mind him I'm sorry." Cameron says then makes a face at Michael.

Next class is when flowers get passed out, I can't wait to see Bianca's reaction when she gets one from Joey! I seen him buy her one but I decided not to tell her.

The bells rings and I stand up, "Cam, don't walk me to class I don't want you to be late again." "But I want to make sure you're okay!" He defends, "Baby, I'm okay." I smile and get on my tippy toes to give him a peck, he leans down to meet me, "I'll see you after class." I hold his hand until I walk far enough for us not to reach. He blows me a kiss, I catch it and walk to class.

I get handed four flowers, three red from Cameron and one yellow from anonymous. I furrow my eyebrows, who was this?

Bianca meets me outside of my class, she sees my flowers and almost cries, my smile drops, "What's wrong?" "I didn't get any flowers!" She whines, "Joey bought you one. I seen him do it!" She looks at me, "Seriously?! Chastity must have thrown it away. Sorry your boyfriend wants me Chastity!" She complains, "I'm going to say something." I don't believe her, "Okay, B." Cameron walks up behind me and Bianca storms off, "What's going on?" I turn to him, "She's having a crisis." I hold up a yellow flower, "Who is this from, do you recognize the handwriting?" He snatches it from me, "Sorry." He apologizes and analyzes the handwriting, "Michael." He storms off and I follow him, he grabs Michael by the collar of the shirt and pushes him against the locker, "What is this!" He holds up the yellow flower, "A flower?" He says sarcastically.

"Michael, why did you send this to Sadie?" He's silent, Cameron lets go of his shirt and throws the flower on the ground, "Don't ever talk to me or MY girlfriend again." He puts his arm around my neck, "That goes for all of you." Cameron yells at the surrounding crowd hoping for a fight. Cameron pushes through everyone with me right by his side. I love that possessiveness.

Cameron is fuming, he's sitting on the lunch tables, "Cam, I-" I stop myself, "I think you need to calm down baby, you're red." I stand in between his legs, he holds my waist, "I just don't want anyone to take you from me." I shake my head, "No one will ever get a chance to take you from me. You're who I want, forever." I reassure him, he smiles.

I swing our intertwined hands gently as we walk to Cameron's house. He has no siblings and his mom is barely ever home until late so we have space to do our things.

We're laying in his bed having an intense make out session, I get on top of him and without realizing I'm dry humping him. "Do you want to?" He says as he pulls away gently, I'm scared, "I'm a virgin." He admits, I nod, "Me too." I think of my dad's words, 'all guys want is s-e-x.' I gulp, if this is all he wants I'll be heartbroken, but at least it's with Cameron James. The love of my life. I know it's too soon, I've known him for a month but it's been the best month of my life because of him, I am deeply in love with Cameron James.

We did it. It was good.

I lay next to him, out of breath, "You. Are. So. Amazing." He says out of breath, I turn to him, "You're good too, I loved it." He smiles at me and we start kissing. I glimpse at the clock on the wall, it's 7:00. I jump up, "Cameron, I'm late!" I start putting my clothes back on, he does the same, "I'll walk you home." "No, cam my dad is crazy he'll suspect it." I realize he's going to make me pee in the cup. I give Cameron a kiss and run home.

"Where have you been?" My dad yells at me, "Daddy! I promise I fell asleep at Cameron's we were doing homework please." He makes me blow into the breathalyzer and hands me a cup, "Go." Kat is waiting for me by the bathroom door, we walk in together. "Kat." I whisper in a panic, "Cameron and I did it and I don't know if he'll be able to tell." I am on the verge of tears, "Did he finish inside of you." I shrug, "Sadie!" "It was both of our first times and it wasn't planned!" Her shoulders drop, "Give me the cup." Kat takes the pee for me, I praise her, "Thank you!" "In two weeks you have to take a pregnancy test just to make sure." I nod and hug her, "I love you sissy." She nods, "Love you too baby sis." She hands me the cup and I walk out, "Here daddy."

"Grounded, two weeks. Straight home after school, NO BOYS!" He yells at me, I hold back tears, he's never yelled at me. He notices my tears, his shoulders drop but he doesn't apologize. "Just go to your room." He says and sits on the couch.

I go up to Bianca and I's room, Kat is sitting on my bed. "How was it." Bianca says excitedly, "Kat!" I look at her, "She won't tell, she knew about my first time too." "She uses it as black mail all the time Kat!" "Sadie, I won't I promise. I told you I was going to be a better sister. Besides, I need details because I'm going to start rumors about myself to make me look more mature." Kat and I stare at her in shock of how dumb she could be, I wave it off, "Anyway. It was so good! He's HUGE; 8 and a half!" Their eyes widen, "Are you okay?" Kat says, I nod, "Sore but the adrenaline from running home cause I knew I was in trouble is still kicked in." I sit down on Bianca's bed and talk about everything, every nitty gritty detail.

I meet Cameron at our lockers, "What happened?" I roll my eyes, "I'm grounded for the whole weekend, only because my tests came back negative." "Test?" I roll my eyes again, "My dad is a doctor and loves to make my sisters and I take tests if we come home late. Anyway. He says I'm irresponsible because I came home late." I put my stuff in my locker, "Can you leave the house at all this weekend? I wanted to go get frozen yogurt or something." I shrug, "I can ask him if I can go out, but it'll probably be no. Next weekend for sure honey." I smile as I reassure him, he smiles, "Okay beautiful." I blush

The day goes by slow, Cameron has a lot of upcoming tests so he's been studying and I don't want to bother him. Bianca is still on her flower investigation and Kat is still lowkey obsessing over this bad boy kid named Patrick, he is kind of hot though.

We immediately go home after school, Bianca asks to go to a party, Kat asked to go to a a foreign film festival, they both can go, I roll my eyes, "And my sweet Sadie gets to stay home with dad!" My dad says sarcastically, "Dad, you should let her come to the festival with me. You know I'll keep her in check." Kat says, my dad agrees, I love my big sister.

We all go upstairs and get ready after dinner, "Kat, I love you." She nods, "You know I'm going out with Patrick right?" My eyes widen, "Congrats! Where to?" She shows me her fake ID, "A club for a concert." I nudge her shoulder, "Look at you!" I say in a low tone, she smiles, "I'll drop you off at Cameron's and get you after?" She makes a deal, I nod and hug her tightly.

I call Cameron once I'm outside, "Cam, I snuck out I'm outside open the door." He doesn't even speak I just hear running footsteps into the phone. He quickly opens the door and picks me up to hug me, "Baby!" I wrap my legs around him and give him a peck, "Hi baby."

As me and Cameron are cuddling in his room, I decide to ask him a big question, "Cammy, are you just using me for sex?" He looks confused, "You're the first girl I've ever done anything with and I've always been too scared to do it. Yes, I loved it and I feel like I'm addicted now but I love you." I sit up and look at him, "What?" He looks nervous, "I didn't mean to say that." I smile, "Cam, I love you too." He sits up, "Seriously?!" I nod, he hugs me tight and pulls me back down and he lays on top of me.

I smile at him as we make deep eye contact, "I think we need to get married immediately." Cameron jokes, I laugh, "For sure, I'd love to be Sadie James." We make eye contact again then begin to passionately kiss.

In the middle of us kissing, Kat calls me. "Cammy, I gotta go." I pout, he gets off of me, "I wish you didn't." "I know, but I'll see you on Monday if I can't see you tomorrow." I stand up and lean down to give him one more kiss, "I love you, my baby." I say and walk out of his room and to Kat's car.

"So how was is?" She looks annoyed, "Right when I was going to kiss him, Bianca calls me and says she needs to be picked up. I hesitated but once I turned back to Patrick he was already flirting with another girl." I gasp, "What a joke." She silently agrees.

We pick up Bianca, it's a silent drive. Our dad breathalyzers us and then we go to bed, we've all had long nights.

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