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I've been getting dirty looks all day, I'm so confused. "Bianca and Sadie Stratford, please report to the principal's office immediately." I hear over the loud speaker, I'll kill her.

"Bianca what did you do!" I yell quietly, "I started a rumor about me and an older guy." She bites her lip nervously, "Why am I involved?" I say as we enter the office.

"Which one of you is being touched by Mr. Ross?" "What!" Bianca and I say in sync, "No, that's not what happened! I started a rumor about me with an older guy so people would stop thinking I'm so innocent." Bianca confessed. The principal dismisses me and I go back to class.

"Sadie, was it you or Bianca?" Some creepy horny guy asks me, "First of all, it was neither of us. Second of all, leave me alone." He scoffs, "Slut." I roll my eyes and refocus on class.

After school Kat drops Cameron and I off at the frozen yogurt place. I get cotton candy flavor with cheese cake bites, he gets pretty much a little of every flavor and every topping there is; he is a tall boy he has a big appetite. "Hungry?" I joke, he smiles as he pays, "Always, I love food." We go sit down, "I wish I could pay you back, I just don't have any money." He shakes his head, "Don't worry about it, I'll always pay for you baby, don't ever worry about that." He reassured me, but I still feel bad.

We have good conversation, lots of laughs, then he walks me home, "Thank you for everything Cameron." I smile and give him a kiss in front of my house, "Babe, your dad." I shrug and wave him off, "I don't care anymore, I love you." He smiles, "I love you." I smile and go inside. I see Joey and Bianca sitting at the table, he's shirtless, "B?" I question, "I spilled juice on his shirt, I'm washing it right now." I nod, "Dad is coming home soon." I warn as I run upstairs.

30 minutes later I hear my dad screaming! I run downstairs, Kat follows, "Don't ever come back into my house again!" Our dad is yelling at Joey then turns and looks at Bianca, she looks scared, "Why were you kissing a nasty boy in my house!" Kat and I silently gasp as we are ease dropping on the stairs. Our dad tears her apart, but then forgives her, I look at Kat confused, "Is he not going to kill her?" Kat whispers, I shrug then turn back to them on the couch. As Bianca starts coming towards the stairs Kat and I run to my room, sitting on the bed waiting for details.

"So?" Kat and I are smiling, "I'm in love with Joey Donner and he is in love with me." Bianca says as she falls down on her bed. "What do you mean? Isn't he with that stupid girl?" Kat asks, Bianca nods and then sits up, "That's the problem. We were having such a deep conversation about his dreams, I showed him my dream book and he's so passionate about being a model. He HATES football. Then we just started kissing and I just love him." She basically whines.

"I love Patrick Verona." Kat blurts out, Bianca and I stare at her, "You, like a boy?" We say in sync, "After what happened back in Ohio, you love again?" Bianca asks, Kat nods. Bianca and I squeal, "Chill." Kat says annoyed, "Cameron James, Patrick Verona, Joey Donner." Kat says, "Poor guys, have to deal with dad soon." We all laugh.

The next day at school, Chastity is fuming. "Where's Bianca Stratford!" We hear her scream in the halls, "Uh oh." I say to Cameron as we stand at our lockers. She spots me, "Sadie! Where is your sister?" I shrug, "Probably by her locker, use common sense." I say sarcastically, she groans at me and storms off.

"I love how you stick up to her all the time, it's so cool." Cameron says as he walks me to first class, "I don't put up with people like her." As I go to kiss Cameron, Bianca runs towards me, "Sadie! Sister emergency now!" She starts pulling me towards the bathroom, "What?" I ask as she checks all the stalls, "Joey Donner just asked me to be his girlfriend!" She whispers excitedly to me, I get excited for her then stop, "Wait, Chastity, does she know?" Bianca shakes her head, "Joey and I agreed for it to be secret because he knows how crazy she can get." I tilt my head, "Be careful, that sounds like a set up to me." She shakes her head, "He's been tired of her Sade, he just never knew how to leave her but he finally did and he's all mine now!" Bianca looks so happy, "Good, now let's get to class before they mark us absent and dad loses his mind." I push Bianca out of the bathroom.

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