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We go to school the next day, my eyes are glassy and my lips are plump, Cameron tries to talk to me all day, I've finally had enough. "Cameron, I hate the way you talked to me, I hate the way your stare, I hate you so much it really makes me sick. I hate when you lie, I hate when you make me laugh," tears begin to fill my eyes as I yell at him in front of the whole school, "even worse when you make me cry. I hate it the most when you're not around. But mostly, I hate the way I don't hate you at all.. not even close.. not even a little bit.. not even at all." The whole school is silent, Cameron looks defeated, I go to run away crying but he grabs me, "Sadie, I never meant to hurt you!" He holds my hands gently, "I've never been drunk before and I'm so sorry the last thing I ever wanted to do to you was hurt you. I felt so bad after last night I'm sorry but I meant everything I said after I yelled at you. I love you Sadie Stratford, forever. And, I miss you." I hug him tightly, "I miss you, more." I mumble into his chest.

The whole school claps, "Go Cadie!" I laugh as the school chants our ship name. He wipes my tears, "Do you forgive me?" I nod and hug him again. He rocks us back and forth as he rubs my back.

Joey and Bianca are public, Cameron and I are okay, it's just Kat and I, I sigh at the thought.

At the end of the day we get handed out papers saying they are now searching lockers and making us wear uniforms. Bianca is distraught being that she just became a cheerleader and she can't wear her uniform to school on game days.

The next day we wear our boring grey uniforms, everyone looks the same, it's weird. Kat and I are still not on speaking terms so when I hear about her staged walkout at fourth period, I chose not to go. Cameron agrees and we can just go to his AV club and he can work on his projects; fine by me.

"Cammy, it was a pretty ring." He turns to me, "Really?" I nod, "Sorry I said no, I was so angry." He sighs, "it's my fault." I sit on his lap, "Well, if you did it again, I'd say yes." I play with his hair, he reaches in his pocket and holds up the ring, "Well?" He looks at me and I hold up my left hand, smiling.

He puts the ring on my finger and kisses me, "I love you." We say in sync. I think about my sister, "Do you want to go to the walkout?" He nods, "Why not?" We walk upstairs and I catch Bianca and Joey making out, "Ooooo, I'm telling." I tease her, she flips me off and walks away; Joey smiles at me.

We walk outside and find Kat and her best friend, Mandela, chained up to a tree, Patrick sitting by their feet. Patrick smiles at me, "Hey Sade." I smile back and wave. "Can we talk, or are you too busy?" I ask Kat, "Talk to me." She doesn't look at me, "Well, I forgive you." I say and she looks down at me and smiles, "I'm happy to have my sister back." We fist bump since we can't hug and I walk away with Cameron.

As we walk away my dad walks past us, "Hi daddy." I say, he looks at me then Cameron, "You okay?" He asks me while staring at Cameron, "Yes daddy. I'm fine." He nods, "Okay, I'll see you at home." He kisses my forehead and walks out to Kat.

Bianca runs to me, "Sadie! Chastity caught me and Joey kissing but she doesn't think it's me and she wants to check security footage and she wants to kill me but doesn't know it's me please help me!" She panics, "I can delete the footage, just calm down." Cameron says to her, "See, it'll be okay. I'll stay after school with you to make sure she doesn't find out and kill you." I reassure her and then turn to Cameron, "And Cameron can delete that first thing in the morning. Okay?" Bianca agrees, hugs us both and runs away.

Sisters are complicated.

"Hey five head! And sister." Joey calls to us as we stand by Kat's car, "Do you want a ride home?" Bianca get nervous, "We got caught Joey! We can't be seen together!" Joey frowns, "This sucks! I just want to show from the rooftops that I'm dating Bianca Stratford!" He yells Bianca's name, Bianca panics, "That's sweet Joey, but just mouth it for now." He nods the mouths 'I'm dating Bianca Stratford' then we give him a thumbs up.

"You gotta go before Chastity comes, honey." Bianca gives him a quick peck and shews him away. Just then Chastity pulls up, "Get in so we can talk about what we are going to do to the skank that kissed Joey." She looks over at me, "You get in too."

Bianca and I both get in being Kat is no where to be found.

Listening to the things Chastity wants to do to Bianca is scary, I can feel Bianca's stress inside of me; bad time for twin telepathy.

We finally get home, no one is here, "Where do you think Kat is?" Bianca sounds concerned, "She left in the middle of the day with Patrick and got suspended I heard, I'm not sure." Bianca laughs softly, "I wish I could enjoy this moment in full, I'm totally too scared about Chastity finding out it was me." She sits on the couch, "I thought she knew you guys were together in the first place?" I question, she looks over at me, "and after the dance Joey had to get back with her to properly break up with her, so she thought we didn't talk anymore. Now she thinks I'm single and Joey is being.." "Like Chastity." I finish, Bianca nods.

As Bianca and I are doing our homework together, Dad is screaming at Kat. This is the most mad I've ever heard him sound.

From now on dad has to drive us to school, even when she's not suspended she's being forced to take the bus, great; the Stratford twins are officially over.

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