Chapter 5 - I Want The Answer To Your Mystery

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Ashton had always been many things to me, a question, one I'd never know the answer to. 'Does he hate me? Why'd he stop bothering me? Why'd be apologize?'

I'd always been too scared to get close, to hear what he had to say and understand but this time it felt different. Even though I could get hurt I didn't care, well I did care a bit but the urge to finally reach out and just ask him was stronger than my fear. Ashton being a mystery was something I feared but this time it made me drawn to him. I didn't like him, not at all, but I did want to know what was going through his mind. So I was gonna know, there was no need to hide and avoid him in fear anymore. Expecially after that apology. 




After an average boring day, which became a bit more fun thanks to Darianna, I walked down my usual path home. Up ahead was Ashton, his raven hair was a bit russled from the wind, he was walking the same path as me obviously since we lived in the same apartment. 

"Ashton!" I called out and immediatly regreted it after, while in my thoughts I was confident, once it actually came to talking to him I froze. I couldn't just walk up to him and go 'Hey Ashton I want to know more about you 'cus of how you've been acting these few years which has left me incredibly curious about you.' God no, I'd look like an idiot! 

Ashton turned and looked at me with his usual cold expression and I felt the pressure under his gaze. 

"Urm.. Well.. Your injuries! Are they better?" 

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "yeah."

"Oh well that's good," I awkwardly laughed.

I took larger steps so that I could keep up to his walking and he later slowed his pace. 

"Do you usually fight?" I asked.

"Why do you want to know?"

"Because I'm curious," I scoffed. "Isn't it obvious?"

He glanced at me with furrowed brows and then looked back forward, we continued walking in silence.

"Does your parents know about your fighting?" I looked up at him, "did they notice your injuries?"

"Why do you ask so many questions?" He grumbled and turned his face away from mine. 

It seemed like I had gotten him a bit annoyed but even so I didn't feel scared, atleast not as scared as I'd usually would've. My palms were sweaty from nervousness and it felt like I had to muster all my strength just to speak but even so it got a bit easier. I wouldn't be able to learn anything if I only stayed and watched him from the side, so I had to speak.

"Because you're weird." I said with a chuckle. 

"Don't push it crybaby."

I gasped loudly and turned to him in shock. "You did not just call me that! Don't say that ever again."

"And what're you gonna do about it?" He smirked.


A sweet voice called out to Ashton which made me stop what I was saying. I hadn't noticed that we had already gotten to the entrance of the apartment, it went a bit faster than usual. The woman looked at me and Ashton with a warm smile, she looked somewhat similar to him. They both had tan skin and their noses were the same shape, thin and goes sligthly upright at the bottom. 

"Femi is that you? You've grown so much!" she said with a friendly smile. 

She laughed once she noticed my confused expression and spoke, "I'm Ashton's mother, I've seen you several times whenever I'd pick Ashton up from elementary school." 

"Oh, urm.. It's nice meeting you." I gave her a small wave and tried to smile.

Ashton's mom stepped forward and grabbed my hands with gentleness. "Why don't you come over to our home? I've got several things I want to talk to you about." 

'Wait what?'

Ashton didn't even stick around to listen and was already on his way to his home, while I stood, holding hands with his mom. Her eyes sparkled as if there was something she really wanted to tell me. I let out a sigh and nodded. 'Going into his home wasn't something I was expecting to happen now of all times..'

"Sure, I've got time to spare."

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