Chapter 23 - A Thin Towel Doesn't Cover Much

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I got out of the shower and sat down on my bed, I was ready to put on my pajamas when I heard a low ping from my phone. So I picked it up and was hit with bright light, I lowered the brightness and looked to see what the notification was for. 

"you're right I do like someone"

"i kissed him lol"

"and he kissed me back omfg??"

"its Mako btw"

"bye, gonna go sleep now"

My eyes kept on getting wider as I read her messages. Darianna was actually into someone this time? And not dating just to waste time? Oh, I had to hear all about this at school.

A high pitched shriek escaped my lips as I plopped down onto the bed, laughing in joy. Darianna was my best friend and was the kindest person I knew, but I could always feel a weird sorrowful feeling from her. But there was nothing I could do about it so I'd tried to be by her side at least. 

Hearing her have something to gush about, something to be fully happy about filled me with ease. Nearly to the point of my stupid tears but I wiped them before they could come. 

A knock came from downstairs so I got up and went down. It couldn't be my parents, they were never home at this time so maybe it was Ashton? But why would he have come here at this time of day. 

I opened the door and Ashton stood there, his black hair a bit damp— I could see his eyebrow piercing peek through his hair— and he frowned as he looked at me. 

"What was that scream about?"

"Scream? Oh, sorry I just heard some good news and couldn't hold in my emotions."

He sighed and then gave me a glare, "don't scream like that over something so stupid, had me all worried."


I took a step closer to him and looked into his eyes with a smirk. "Worried?"

His eyebrows knitted even closer together and he was gonna reply but stopped at his tracks. His eyes travelled down my body and that's when I realized that I had forgotten to put on my clothes. I was just in a thin, small, white towel. In front of him of all people.

I staggered back and shut the door so hard a loud slam echoed throughout my empty house. "Sorry!" was all I could say before I ran up the stairs to put on my clothes. 



School had been exceptionally fun today. I bombarded Darianna with questions and while she'd scoff I could see the way her eyes lit up whenever she talked about him. 

We'd also finished the essay so I didn't have to think about that anymore, we'd all gotten our parts done and handed it in.

There was only one problem with today though, I'd caught a nasty cold and at first it was just an annoying headache. But as the hours passed my breathing became rugged— if I could even breath at all— my body started to heat up and my sight went dizzy. 

I would've just gone home if it weren't for the fact that in the second to last lesson we were gonna have a pretty big test and I preferred to get if done sooner rather than later. 

Only a few more lessons and then I could go home. Just a few more.

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